I gave Rain voice lines

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Help me

[ Hello... ]
Why would even you bother looking at me? Are you trying to make me feel bad about not replying to you? Bad news for you, I don't feel bad at all.

[ Chat - Hobbies ]
Why do you even asking to me about this?

[ Chat - Mora ]
You know, take your own advice. Don't come begging me for some mora afterwards...

[ Chat - Free Time ]
Unlike you, I actually do something when I'm free. Move it already.

[ When It Rains... ]
Hah! You expected me to be all dramatic because my name is Rain? No way! Pffft! Pathetic, honestly.

[ After The Rain... ]
Finally, getting wet annoys me greatly...

[ When It Snows... ]
Snow? Hm. That's quite rare around here. Don't you dare expect me to co-operate here and do a snowball fight or whatever.

[ Good Morning... ]
Wake yourself up. Don't bother me to wake you up, I'm not your babysitter.

[ Good Afternoon... ]
What, you want me to to wish you a good afternoon? People of Tevyat really have weird habits...

[ Good Evening... ]
Stop bothering me about the times of the day, seriously!

[ Good Night... ]
Are you planning to sleep? Come on, we both know it's unnecessarry. If you took me adventuring with you, I don't have time to sleep! There's still a lot left to do! Jeez...

[ About Rain... ]
You already know I'm like the most antisocial person ever, so why do you wnat to know more?

[ About Us... ]
Pathetic of you to think of us like friends, honestly. Don't treat me like those pieces of junk you also travel with. We are nothing, simply nothing, kay?

[ About The Vision... ]
I knew you were going to ask this sooner or later. It's something from my aunt. That's all you need to know.

[ Something To Share... ]
Hmmm... ah... I'm browsing through my brain to find a good memory and am failing miserably... uhhhh... forget this, I don't have a good memory. There, do you have your interesting fact there?

[ Interesting things... ]
Have you ever seen an elemental monument? Yeah, those weird stuff you need to use elemental powers on. I remmeber hearing that they were left from ancient civilizations, maybe possibly from my homeland. Who knows?

[ About Venti... ]
That was a weird question. You wanna know my thoughts on that bard? Keep this a secret, but I think he might be a lot more than just a bard... have you ever payed attention to his hairstyle?

[ About Diluc... ]
Ah, that one master thingy of the wine... uh... I forgot. I cannot even bother to learn the name because I hate wine so much.

[ About Jean... ]
Only if she didn't start calling me a Rain Mage... we might've had a good start.

[ About Klee... ]
Oh, that kid. You probably noticed how I pay attention to her. That kids needs protection. She can't see the true face of the world at such a young age.

[ About Xiao... ]
I relate to him in a some sort of spiritual level. It's like when you have a secret twin or something that went through almost the same stuff you did. We... understand each other, that's all.

[ About Childe... ]
Of course, of course, of course. Why did I not expect this. I don't know, he like, kind of is the opposite of me? Like he doesn't bother me, but he doesn't not bother me either. It's really complicating.

[ About Scaramouche... ]
Tell him to do the fandango for me. That's all. If he doesn't I'm going to start a riot and I mean it.

[ More About Rain - I ]
You know how you want to do something yet hold yourself to not do it no mater what? That happened to me quite a lot of times. The reason I was holding it in was to avoid suspicious faces.

[ More About Rain - II ]
I tend to be called with annoying nicknames quite often... you want to know what I do then? I probably get a rock and throw it to them or something. Not just a rock, it can be anything. I can also throw a roof and a statue. Just make it throwable.

[ More About Rain - III ]
Being a harbinger made me visit all the nations at least once. It felt like a blessing considering how boring Snezhnaya is. Seriously tho, stop travelling to Snezhnaya. It's the most boring place ever. Trust me with this.

[ More About Rain - IV ]
I have this weird habit of staring at something quite often. Whenever you see me, yiu can either see me staring at the dky, ceiling or book. I don't read the books by the way, I just buy them to stare at them and still manage to learn something from them. How did this habit start? I have no idea. But I'm not planning to get rid of it.

[ More About Rain - V ]
I actually have like huge trust issues and walking atound in a crowd bothers me greatly. The fact that I don't much around cities proves my point. You didn't really guess this from me, eh? Well, lucky from you, it means I reach to a point with you where I can talk to you about my trust issues.

[ Rain's Hobbies... ]
I like stealing mora like way too much. Even tho being a harbinger gives off a HUGE amount of money, I still like to steal it. Don't question it, ok?

[ Rain's Troubles... ]
Basicay anything about socializing gets me like panicking. I can't concentrate. Pretty much it's the biggest and only trouble I have.

[ Favourite Food... ]
I don't have a favourite food. Anything outside of Snezhnaya feels abseloutely perfect.

[ Least favourite food... ]
Pretty sure it's obvious...

[ Birthday... ]
Happy birthday, I guess. You expected me to open up? Haha. No.

[ Feelings About Ascension - Intro ]
Did you just do something?

[ Feelings About Ascension - Building Up ]
So like, are you doing this because you're doubting my power?

[ Feelings About Ascension - Climax ]
If you actually think I'm not strong enough for this world, you're pathetic...

[ Feelings About Ascension - Conclusion ]
Maybe I shouldn't outcast you after all... you're the one that has been here the longest.


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