Part 12

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Jennie pov

It is now 6 pm which means we still have about 90 minutes left to get ready. Rosé is now dressing Lisa up while I'm doing Jisoo's makeup in our shop.

"Why do you look so sad unnie?" i asked seeing her all gloomy

"ohh it's nothing, i just feel a bit tired that's all" she smiled

of course, i didn't believe her, but i don't wanna push her, i guess she doesn't want to talk about it yet

"ohh well, your makeup is done, now you can wear the dress!!" i said excitingly because she hasn't seen it yet

and after a second, her face turned into a happy one which made me relieved a bit

i smiled and went into the storage room taking the dress out of the tall-dresser

"okayy, readyy??" i said full of excitement

i slowly went out of the storage room and showed her the purple shaded dress that me and rosé made for her

"TADAAAAA!!" i said feeling so happy to see her amazed face

"TADAAAAA!!" i said feeling so happy to see her amazed face

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she gasped and covered her mouth 

"you made that??" she said looking at me full of emotion

i nodded

"it' beautiful, oh my god i don't want to wear that dress! i'm afraid that i'll ruin it" she whined and fake cried which made me roll my eyes 

"ughh just wear itt!! we made it for you so that you could wear it to the ball tonight!!" i said shoving the dress in her hand and pushed her inside the fitting room

i sigh tiredly and went to rosé and lisa

"you look so pretty lali!!" i said looking at her

she looked at me and said "ha ha very funny...can we get this over with??" she whined

"stay still! i'm trying to do your hair properly!! unless you wanna show up looking like a chipmunk?" rosé said threatening her 

"don't be so down lisa...maybe you'll even meet that young boy you've been hanging out with recently!!" i said teasing her which made her glare at me

"we're just friends! and besides he told me that he hates balls so there's probably no chance of hi attending at all" she said

"well, you never done??" i asked looking at rosé

"yeah, she's finally done" rosé said groaning and stretching 

"great!! now come Lisa!! i'll show you you're dress!" i said happily as i dragged her away from the makeup table to the fitting room

as i was about to knock, Jisoo unnie suddenly opened the door wearing the dress

"Ahh!! unnie! you scared me!!....but WOWW you look so pretty!!" i fake cried and clapped feeling so proud of myself

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