Part 20

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Once both Tommy and Dream had calmed down, Dream led Tommy to their old bedroom, and they sat down on the floor. It was time for an explanation.

"Tommy," they began glancing quickly at Tommy's face before down at their lap, "I need to explain something to you."

"What is it Rem?" Tommy spoke glancing searchingly at the elder.

Dream jolted at the title before they recovered.

"I have Prosopagnosia," Dream began taking a deep, shaky breath while glancing at Tommy's confused eyes, "It is a... disability, that makes me unable to recognize faces. I have to use other ways of noting who someone is.

Like how I use Tech's bright pink hair to always recognize him. People always assume it is like everyone is wearing a mask, that isn't it. I can see their faces at that moment, but my mind will never recognize the face whenever I see it again."

"Why... why do you have this proso- thing Dream?" Tommy softly asked, reaching for Dream's calloused hands. Cheeks were puffed out in a mix of frustration and confusion, making Tommy look even younger than usual.

"I was in an accident when I was a kid, it's why my dad isn't around. We were t-boned by another car. My dad didn't make it. I got injured and messed up the right fusiform gyrus. It's the part of the brain that works to recognize and understand faces and expressions."

Their voice cracked at the end. They felt so weak having to explain this, they had never told anyone about it before. They hated that they could explain the exact injury and problem in medical terms, but not explain what Tommy or Drista even looked like.

"Oh..." Tommy paused looking at Dream searchingly "How did you recognize us at the airport?" He finally asked slouching back into a sitting position, his head done and thumbs in his twiddling in his lap.

"I knew your gate, so I went there and found you guys based on your voices. I was able to distinguish them well enough from the crowd that led me to the two clumped together." Dream happily explained as they relaxed. Tommy accepted them, even with their disability! They were okay here. They would make it, and be safe.

"Do you actually like like Gogy" Tommy asked into the relaxing and calm silence."wha- WHAT" Dream sputtered screeching slightly as they choked on their spit. Tommy burst into loud cackles of laughter as he rolled around until he fell off the bed. That was when Dream joined in the laughter. Everything was okay.

Masked faces, Blurred Moments [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now