Chapter 1 - Surprises and Dead Bodies

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Originals. Which is unfair, by the way.


[Hayley's POV-3rd person]

It was a cold night in New Orleans, and Hayley still hadn't find anything about her family.

She had to befriend every supernatural that could have known the wolves-as long as they were harmless-if she wanted to gather enough informations about her family to find them, and it appeared that there was a bar, not far from the place she was staying at, where two witches were working.

With that thought in mind, Hayley headed to Rousseau's. When she finally reached the old blue sign, the night was cold and dark. She got in and greeted the blonde bartender hello.

"Hey, Cami ! Have you seen Jane-Anne ?" She questioned the bartender, who smiled sweetly at Hayley before answering "Yeah, she actually left a while ago, but Sophie is gonna be here soon to help me with, well, everything."

The brunette directed towards the counter, thinking that she would wait for the youngest Deveraux to come around, and that a drink couldn't do her much harm.

When she heard the doorbell ring for the hundredth time, the she-wolf was half drunk, and didn't even mind looking at the door.

It was Camille who snapped her out of her absent state, flashing a fake smile at the newcomer and speaking out.

"Sophie ! There you are ! We almost waited" she said in a sarcastic tone. "We ?" The witch asked with a frown, not noticing Hayley's presence.

Hayley stood up while turning around, sobbering a little at her friend's voice. She gave the witch a slight smirk, thinking about ways to pay her back for making her-and Cami-wait so long. Before she could say anything, Hayley noticed that her witch friend wasn't alone.

The sight of Sophie's new-found ally made her freeze in shock. When she managed to talk, it was in a low voice.

"What the hell are you doing here, Katherine ?!"

[Klaus's POV-3rd person]

Klaus Mikaelson was walking down the streets of the french quarter, anger boiling in his veins.
He just came out of an encounter with his supposed long lost son, who proclamed himself king of the quarter. Marcel, instead of looking for his family and sticking with them, decided to take what was theirs, to let them think that he was gone.

The meeting Klaus had with the new "King" didn't go well, because of the hybrid's power thirst, and now all he wanted to do was rip Marcel's heart out, but he knew he would regret it if he did. Klaus got out to refrain from hurting his adoptive son, get some air, and if he had the occasion, feed.

He could feel his hunger grow with each minute, so when he found a suitable prey, he didn't hesitate a second. He vamp speeded his victim in a dark empty alley and didn't even compel her not to scream before he sank his teeth in her neck. The feeling of control, along with the taste of the warm blood in his mouth, helped Klaus to calm down. He could feel the girl he held get drained of her life, and when he finally released her, her lifeless body hit the ground with a stone noise.

The hybrid cleaned up his mouth, wich was covered in blood, and left his victim's corpse at the exact place it fall before he got back in the illuminated street.

Feeling better after that, he decided to make this day useful by looking for Jane-Anne Deveraux, a witch whom he heard was plotting against him. He learnt earlier that the witches liked to reunite in a place they call the "Caldron" and he thought that he would start to investigate around that place.

As he approached the store, he walked into someone he didn't expect to see.

"Hello, brother. Care to tell me what you are doing in this city ? I thought you promessed yourself never to come back ?" He said to the well dressed original, who turned around and widened his eyes when he saw his younger brother.

"Let's say I'm here to prevent you from murdering the whole city. But I assume by the smell on you that it is too late." Elijah snapped, obviously annoyed by Klaus.

Klaus smirked at his brother's behavior and figured that he could use his help. "I am visiting a witch friend of mine who decided to plot against me, and I can't very well allow that now, can I ?" He joked, letting the original vampire know what he was doing in the French quarter.

"And who would that be ?" Elijah asked with a frown, getting more curious by the second. "Her name is Jane-Anne, but I doubt that you could be of any help anyway.." Klaus commented, in a mocking tone.

"You'd be surprised, brother, of the help I could bring you." The older original stated. Klaus became serious all at once and questioned his brother.
"What do you mean, Elijah, do you have anything to do with this ?"

"Not exactly, but I happen to know this 'witch friend of yours'.."

First chapter ! I made you wait, I know.. Hope you're not disapointed !
Once again, it's the first time I write, I could use advices and other comments.
Thanks for reading !

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