The letter

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The patriarch of the Cullen family sat in his office trying to think of more acquaintances that he could ask to witness for his family.

He was stumped when he looked around his office and say a old book that he was gifted many years ago by a friend that might be able to help.

Carlisle quickly got the book to look at the writing left on the first page which were instructions on how to reach his old friend. The instructions were clear

Carlisle when or if you ever need my help this is how
1. Get a paper and pen
2. Write what you need on and fold in half
3. Draw my symbol on one of the sides
4. Throw into a fire
5. Wait

Carlisle quickly followed the instructions chuckling when he came to the third. The symbol was a difficult one to do especially for Carlisle, who was lacking in his wife's artistic ability. He scribbled it on quickly hoping that it would be acceptable. He lit the fire place in his office enjoying the warmth he lacked, he threw the letter into the fire watching it burn hoping that his old friend would answer quickly.

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