The answer

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The day before the battle Carlisle was worried that his friend hadn't heard gotten his letter or simply did not care. He was once again in his office waiting till they left to go to the campsite when he heard a crackle in his fire place. When he looked he saw a old looking letter with a symbol that he was familiar with. Carlisle quickly picked up the letter with new hope that his family would be safe.

Dear Carlisle,
I have been watching you and your family for quite some time and was planning on coming to help anyway. when I got your letter I was  overjoyed that you hadn't forgotten of me. I will arrive tomorrow when it appears I'm needed.
                       An old friend

Carlisle smiled when he was done reading the letter happy that his friend never forgot him and was willing to help his family.


All the witnesses sat around the fire telling stories when Garrett asked Carlisle a question "hey Carlisle do you have any cool stories aside from when you met me" he said with a laugh. Carlisle smiled at him and thought for a second deciding that he should probably tell them about his old friend that would be coming tomorrow. "Why yes I do and no it's not about you Garrett it's about when I met another person who said that they would come help us tomorrow" Carlisle started leaking the interest of most wanting to know the new person they might fight aside "we'll go on then" someone pushed.

"Alright alright many years ago before I met any of my family I was in a London art gallery, I came across this painting that was supposed to depict the devil. A person stood beside me they were wearing a long coat and I couldn't make out their face but the most intriguing part about the is that when hey looked at the painting they scoffed and mumbled "how inaccurate". "
This is what caught everyone's attention
"Then they looked at me and squinted as if I was a question they couldn't answer  "a cold one how odd and no red eyes how special" when they said that I was shocked but they just laughed at me. After that they walked away and before I could reach them to ask how they knew, they had turned a corner and disappeared."

Everyone was surprised by this how could a human just disappear like that "I was made to wonder who or what they were and how they k ew what I was but thankfully I didn't have to wait long because two days later they showed up in my apartment. They had explained who they were and how they knew what I was and for about a year we were roommates and friends."

All is the people that were listening were confused of what the person was looking to Carlisle to explain."I should probably tell you all what they were" Carlisle said looking at everyone and getting a few eager nods back "well what they were is a little difficult to explain due to the many stories about what they are. The easiest explanation is that they are the devil ruler of hell"

This revaluation shocked all, the devil how could that be possible. "you'll meet them tomorrow now who's next" Carlisle said putting a stop to the questions that he knew his friends would have

The night continued with everyone sharing stories in hope that they would survive tomorrow and with the thought of Carlisles mysterious friend that is apparently the devil

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