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A/N: This might be the longest chapter I've ever written for this fic yet, but God, has it turned out to be one of my favorites...

Diana still had her face buried in a book as she stood with the rest of her friends, waiting for their test to begin. She was nervous, of course, but, considering she had missed three months of classes and had been spending most of her time outside school trying to find cypher keys to crack a coded Deadpool, she supposed she had a reason not to have studied as much as she had wanted to.

It wasn't that great of a reason, but it was a reason regardless.

"Where's Lydia?" Kira asked, looking around as she looked for their red haired friend.

"She took it her freshman year." Diana explained, without even looking up from her book.

"Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" Malia whined, clearly nervous as well, standing beside Diana as she looked down at her highlighted book as well.

"Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us." Scott said, trying to sound encouraging, grabbing Diana's book from her hands as she and Malia groaned quietly, at the same time. "You too, Diana. Take a break. You both studied enough."

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good." Malia complained as Diana kept her eyes on Scott with a glare.

"Well." Stiles said, causing Malia to turn around and look at him.

"Well, what?" She asked.

"It's do well, not do good." Stiles corrected, as Malia groaned.

"Oh, God!"

"Okay, okay!" Scott spoke up before Malia could actually hurt Stiles. "We're doing this, because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live. If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college. A good college..."

"It's only three hours." Kira said, as Diana huffed, noticing how the classroom they'd be taking the test in was opened and everyone started to pile inside. "We can survive three hours."

"Don't jinx it." Diana mumbled, waiting on the line with her foot tapping against the floor with a sigh. "Whenever we say we can do something, something bad happens so just... Don't jinx it."

Kira chuckled quietly at Diana's clear nerves, but the kids all grew silent as the line started to move and all of the students walked one by one inside the classroom, marking their thumbs with the black paint to mark their presence in the test before giving Natalie Martin their phones and finding somewhere to sit. Diana waited for about fifteen minutes before everyone was inside and at their desks. She could feel her leg bouncing up and down nervously and she could taste the wood of her pencil as she bit down on it. The girl hadn't even notice how Natalie slipped the test booklet in front of her at some point as she and the AP chemistry teacher started to hand them out, but she did notice how the woman tugged the pencil from Diana's mouth and sent her a small, encouraging smile. Diana smiled back at her, then, placing her pencil down as she looked at the closed test in front of her and waited till everyone had received theirs for further instructions.

"Please do not open the test booklet until you are instructed to do so." The chemistry teacher announced as he stood in front of the classroom with Natalie after they were done handing out the booklets. "This test is two hours and ten minutes. There will be two twenty-five-minute critical reading sections, two twenty-five-minute math sections, and an essay writing portion that will last thirty minutes. There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring this exam..."

"I know. It's Coach." Natalie said. "He's not exactly punctual. Hum, let me just try him again..."

Stepping outside with her phone in hands, Natalie was gone for about ten minutes - even if, to Diana, it had seemed like it had been almost an hour.

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