Mondays, am I right?

180 8 6

No one's POV

It was 5 AM. Space Kid walked out of his tent with a bounce in his step, happy to start the day, in his astronaut suit, carrying in his left hand a rocket plush toy. The space helmet, otherwise known as a fishbowl, that was placed over his head was bouncing up and down as Space Kid skipped his way to the mess hall.

Soon, he was in front of the large cabin's doors, knocking to get someone to open it for him. In a matter of seconds, David had his hand on the door knob and was twisting it, already having an idea of who it was as there was only one kid who woke up this early every single day. The door opened, and they smiled at each other. "Hello Space Kid! Good morning to you!" David greeted, moving out of the way to let the small child in. "Howdy David! Good morning David!" Space Kid continued his skipping inside the mess hall.

He reached one of the dark green metal benches and sat down, placing his rocket ship on the table and starting lift off. David just breathed out a laugh and closed the doors.

Minutes later, Gwen walked in. She looked at Space Kid happily playing and playfully scoffed, a soft grin on her face.

David greeted her, boths hands on his hips. She returned the greeting tiredly, taking a gulp of her steaming coffee. "Space Kid's like- the only camper that is actually genuinely happy. He's way more peaceful than Dolph or Ered. Out of everyone in this god forsaken camp, he's probably the best."

"I agree! But we shouldn't play favourites, Gwen, you know this."

"Yeah, says you."


It was now 8 AM, and all the campers were inside the mess hall either eating talking with one another or playing. Well, everyone but Max, Nikki and Neil.

"Same old, same old." Space Kid thought, orbiting the rectangular table for the fifth time, now starting to land his rocket ship safely on a solid and flat surface, or it'll fall off. That's space physics, according to Max.

Speaking of Max; where is he? Usually he, Nikki and Neil would come back after a few minutes of being outside, but it's been probably more than fifteen minutes by now. Space Kid was on his way to ask David about them, when the door burst open, a group of three children running away from a bright light that came from the outside.

"Oh. It's fire!"

Gwen stumbled off of her seat and ran to the hidden fire extinguisher - which they now needed to hide in a different place - and attempted to put out the growing fire in front of the flammable mess hall, while David danced around it, screaming and panicking.

The campers saw this as an opportunity to set up some fun.

And of course they instantly looked towards the most defenseless kid; Space Kid.

The fire was out now, and Gwen put down the fire extinguisher, exhausted, and David entered the mess hall, covered in burnt clothing and first degree burns, to see Space Kid taped to the ceiling fan, having the time of his life, imagining flying through space.

"Space Kid! How did you get up there?? You could get very hurt falling from that height!!" David shouts, worry tinting his voice.

The latter just smiled even brighter, "My friends helped me get up here!" He laughed, not knowing that he just snitched on all the kids. He truly thought that they were just trying to help him achieve his dreams.

"They did WHAT??" He turned towards the groaning group of campers preparing for a lecture.

"You all KNOW that it's dangerous to TAPE SPACE KID to the ceiling fan!! He could fall off and break his neck! Tape isn't that strong, and it definitely can't hold a child's weight on something that's constantly moving! You should all apologise to Space Kid before he gets hurt, and Nurf, turn the fan off!!" David shouted, out of breath from previously running, burning and shouting.

"just walk it off, it'll be fine!" | camp campWhere stories live. Discover now