The basketball game

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It was after Gabriella had invited him in, that he realized 2 things:
1- He was practically backing out of the challenge
2- It was now confirmed that Gabriella Montez was not like any other girl on this planet considering her room was nor that decorated, was painted black and had AC/DC posters in it including some other singers and bands.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes ok? I just need to get changed and then we can go." Gabriella.said while hurrying to the other room. Troys face saddened, whenever a girl told him "just ten minutes " or something like that it always meant "I'll be taking my sweet time in getting my makeup done and deciding the dress I wanna wear and if the shoes match, so make yourself at home". But of course he was wrong and Gabi did actually came out in 10 mins. He was shocked, obviously. "Um, what's wrong" she asked with a little smile on her face as she could read his mind. "Y- you- you said that you'll be coming in 10 minutes" Troy stuttered out. "Um yeah, it's been 10 mins isn't it?" Gabi asked. "Yeahhh, but.... you know what, whatever. Let's just go" troy said. "Ok" she replied.

Half way after the game, Troy offered to go buy some snacks but when he reached there, their were two men standing there in black suited with black glasses on. 'Weird' Troy thought.

Gabriella was looking at all this from the seat, 'They found me this early, wow. First time they did something on time'

I'm so sorry for the late update, I have been very lazy and busy these past days and probably would be for the rest of the semester. And what do u think, Gabriella's thinking about.

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