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*you are at the squid games as a player.*

It's the middle of the night and you're lying on top if your creaky bed, tucked away in the homeroom. You suddenly hear shuffling coming from above you. Though its dark, in front of you is a gorgeous girl around your age, climbing down the bunk bed ladder. As she reaches the bottom, which is located right at the end of you bed, she looks straight at you then walks away.

You sit up intrigued, and watch where she's headed to. She travels all the way to the front side door of the wide room, then eagerly pounds on the door. A worker with a triangle, opens the window. The girl opens her mouth. "I need to go to the restroom." She speaks in a stern voice. You stand up out of your mattress, also needing to use the toilet, and walk to the front of your bed.  "Players can only use the restrooms at the designated times." The worker replies, then shuts the window. The girl scoffs then rushes back to her bed.

You, still standing straight up, watches her slowly walk towards you. Then she finally reaches the bed. Though she stops right in front of you, looking straight into your eyes. Her hair is all messy and she has rips on her clothes. You feeling intimidated and flustered, open your mouth. "Can I help you?" You speak out to her. She steps closer to you, almost touching. "Let me in my bed." The serious girl says to you. You look at her confused, then notice you were in front of the beds ladder. You quickly turn embarrassed and become more humble. "Oh, sorry!" You bow in apology, then  quickly shuffle away. She walks past you, brushing shoulders then the girl climbs away. You rush back into your blanket super embarrassed. But you suddenly remember her eyes, staring at you. The thought puts you right to sleep.

Sae byeok x Reader Squid gameWhere stories live. Discover now