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(The first chapter was already after the  first games)

I wake up from the sound of a haunting sound. A strange ladies voice, coming from a speaker woke the whole room up. I sit up, and bump my forehead into the top of my bunkbed. It makes an incredible thud, and leaves a bright red mark on my forehead. Suddenly, I hear laughing close to me.

I turn my head and see the girl from yesterday, hanging upside down, peeking her head at my bed. I almost jump in surprise. She speaks. "What are you? And idiot?" She mocks my embarrassing moment.

I give her a look and scramble out my bed on the opposite side.

The worker people set up at the front of the room, and people line up at the tables they put out. I rush to the groups of people, eager to get some food. I was starving and nearly died yesterday, I need my system to be fed.

I watch from the back of the line, the food supply getting shorter and shorter. I panic at the thought of no energy for the next game. I get closer and closer to the tables, eagerly awaiting my well deserved breakfast, when I suddenly get harshly shoved away from the line.

I look up and in front of me is her, that scumbag. She turns away acting like nothing happened. "What the hell!?" I yell at her. People around us look. The girl, ignoring me. "Who do you think you are? Wait your own turn!" I snap at her, infuriated. She finally glances at me. "For what? So runts like you can eat up all the food? Save it for people who might actually survive the next game." She speaks back at me, treating me like a joke.
I fumble my thumbs, and look down at the grey cement floor, fully knowing everything she spoke was true.

I walk away, clicking my shoes with each step, back to my bed. I turn back and see her standing still in the moving line, looking right at me.

I lay on my bed, thinking of what would happen when I loose the next game. About my family back at home, struggling without my help. I hear someone creep up behind me. I tilt my head further down, hanging on the edge of the mattress. The girl, again. Number 067. Ready to fight me.

But instead of getting shoved onto the floor, she reaches out her right hand. I flinch, awaiting some type of attack. I quickly sit up, and stupidly hit my forehead on top of my bunkbed. I rub the place I hit, and look at her.

She holds out a bento box, from the front table. I look at her, confused, then snatches it away. My mouth drools at the sight of it, and quickly stuff my face. While I'm eating, I look back at her, already walking far away.

She looks back at me, we make eye contact. She looks down. My stomach fills with butterflies.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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