Lan jingyi and her overprotective Sizhui

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Many years ago...

Cloud recesses is a beautiful places and peace unlike others, achieve by thousand of rules and discipline. One morning, some elder paint, some drink their prize tea and some like Grandmaster Lan qiren focus on his paperwork while sect leader Lan xichen train some new juniors on their sword form. All is peace and quiet of course. Until a loud wail rang across the entire mountain, from the bottom of the mountain to the the very top.

One elder paint drip from the brush and ruin his painting, one that could be consider refined but now with a smear across the paper. One elder drop his tea cup and his prize tea and beloved tea cup shattered in a million pieces. Everyone of them look at the direction of the sound, it was from the nursery where young babies or pregnant mother would stay.

They all make their way (without running of course) and meet with a Lan healer who look like she just deal with an entire ward of patient in time of war. Which is very tired and wary and looking ready to broke at least 20 rules at once.

"Healer Lan Qiang, what happened?"
"Greeting elders, it appear that Lan Qiuyue have given birth to her daughter."
"The is a joyous occasion, but why does healer Lan look concerned? Is the baby and the mother unwell?" Lan xichen finally make his way from the training ground.
"Sect leader, the baby and the mother is very healthy but the problem is the baby cry is too loud. No baby should able to cry so loud that the entire mountains heard it."
"Well she is very healthy, no worry healer Lan. All babies would cry and wail but once they grow up they will learn to control themselves."

All the elders nodded and went back to whatever they was doing before, thinking that there would be no more problems.


It was a lie, a lie that they created for their peace and mind. The baby girl grown into a teenager and by god! She only get louder. No one know if she did it intentionally or it was purely an accident but she broke nearly, nearly every single rules on the wall. But she also wasn't trying to do it, it's just she can't stay still or speak in soft tones. When she is excited she would skip and run across the mountains.

She will get better. Is a lie that many elders lie to themselves, hoping that it become true but they know it will never happen and so they would punish themselves by copying the rules every time that very thought sprung up in their minds. She only get worse, luckily there was Lan sizhui next to her to remind her when she get over the top.

Lan Sizhui is very protective of his friend, Lan Jingyi. While they can't really meet and stay together as he is a boy and she is a girl but they was allowed to stay around each other more then others. Maybe due to the fact that he can calm her down very well. She was his and only long term friend throughout the years and he appreciates the friendship. He did get overprotective sometimes but it's not his fault that his friend is a beautiful but obvious lady.

I wonder how that Jin disciple doing? After I accidentally push him down the stairs? A few year ago there was a annul lecture for every sect to join. And while they still a newly juniors disciple they come to see all the spectators. Of course some senior Jin disciples make a rude remark about Jingyi.

"I wonder how cute she is under all that robes?"

Him and his friends laugh cruelly and Sizhui never want to use his sword to stabbed someone so much, but he know he can't because that would broke so many rules and his time with Jingyi would be cut down. No! He can't let that happened. And so he make it seem like an accident that after those words, the Jin senior and his friends all tripped down the mountains side of Cloud recesses. And it was magnificent to see. They don't get get any honors to roll down the stair, he ensure that they roll down the mountains side where trees and bushes overgrow and a sharp slopes.

A bunch of golden robes get torn into pieces (thank to all the tree branch and bushes) their face get cut and bruises that he hope would not heal for a very long times and many many little broken bones and a humiliation that would alway follow them for their entire life. He will alway remembered fondly as she laugh, cute.

He don't like sharing her nor letting her out of his sight for too long. Something itch his heart that he should alway care for her and doted on her. Making sure that no one would ever dare to lay a hand or word on her.

Many Lan disciples know about the duo, one is a the perfect Lan while another one is the most un Lan to ever Lan in the Lan history but they get along, somehow in a weird twist of fate.

Lan Sizhui is what one would call the twin jades legacies, he follow the rules well and is very skill with his sword and his lesson. He look and style like Hanguang-Jun but with a splash of Zewu-Jun ever amiable smile. He is kind and understanding but every single one of them know that they shouldn't stay or talk to close to his friend. The infamous Lan Jingyi. (Now if they see how his eyes sharpened and his smile turn a little too sharp whenever they talk or get too close, they run and hope that Sizhui won't accidentally caught them. It took about five peoples to figures out why they should stay clear of Jingyi).

Talking about Lan Jingyi, aside from her weird fate with the rules she is beautiful and is also skill with her sword. Thought many thought her voice is enough to shock everyone in to a trancelike dream. No need for other instruments.

Some crush on her but never dare to approach her more then as a fellow disciple, she have the most likely to be heir of Gusu Lan who look like he will and could stab them and get away with it too as her friend and as mother hen. Many already regarded them as a future couple and even discuss that their future young Madam Lan is a bit loud but still, better then get locked up like the previous one.

They never thought another wise, his eyes literally fill with love and adoration and his action scream overprotectiveness and even the elders and the Sect leader would smile and let them do whatever they want. Heck! The two of them get an extra lesson on how to lead the sect and how to be a sect leader. Only the two of them out of all the juniors disciples. They both give permission to go night hunt together with just one senior follow.

Excuse me!!! Who get that much privilege??? And so in everyone minds their future is sets and there will be no changes. And they would stick to that to the very end.

(If anyone notice and wonder why I make Sizhui is a bit dark is because let be real, he went through so much. His real family get hunt and kill and his second family also die and now is alone as the last Wen alive. Jingyi is the only other person that would not care about his real surname and and still care for him, so he will do anything to protect that one aspect out his father, baba and uncle. So yes I make dark!sizhui and he can go feral too. So what about it?)

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