035: Training Time!

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-"I'm so excited!!!" Naruto welcomed their training grounds with his usual enthusiasm

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-"I'm so excited!!!" Naruto welcomed their training grounds with his usual enthusiasm. The forest surrounding them made his voice echoed, wowing him. Jiraiya turned to the overjoyed Naruto, then to the sighing Hinari who crossed her arms. That made him groan, before he hands them out a balloon each.

Confused, Hinari asked with her brows raised. "What are we going to do here? Throw balloons at each other and see who snap first?"

"I'm sure you saw what I did earlier right? And so, now I ask of you two to explain how exactly did I pull it off." The sannin said, Naruto excitingly raised his hands, answering with confidence.

"You spin the enemy around."

"You gathered a rotating chakra on your palm and used it like a palm press making the enemy spin after making contact with it." Hinari clarified.

"Both of you are right, now watch this." He said then grabbed a water balloon for himself, he started swirling the water inside the balloon without making any hand movements; The balloon then popped.

"Both of you master the Tree-climbing and Water-walking right?" Jiraiya asked, both nodded.

"Now Hinari, why don't you give us some explanation for this kid over here." The white-haired man suggested, Hinari sighed and looked at Naruto.

"Listen carefully, Naruto. I suck on explaining things after all."


"With Three-climbing, we learned how to focus and maintain the chakra on the soles of our feet, making us able to walk on a tree without a use of hands. In Water-walking, We learned how to continuously emit small amounts of chakra to balance our weight and be able to walk on both steady and wavy water. So I'm thinking ojii-san here wanted us, especially you who barely know any ninjutsu to use that water balloon and learn how to create stream of chakra." She stated, Naruto sweatdropped but nodded anyway.

"She'll definitely get mad once she found out I didn't get anything. Definitely will!"

"Good explanation, but don't call me ojii-san." Jiraiya slumped his shoulders, pouting.

Hinari shrugged. "Yeah right, old man in his 50's"


"So... How am i supposed to pop this with the tree climbing, water walking thing?" Naruto asked.

Hinari faced him again and started demonstrating "Use the tree climbing technique to focus your chakra on your palm where you hold the balloon, then use the water walking technique and continuously emit chakra to spin the water inside." She then made sure he saw the chakra coming out her hands and making its way to surround the balloon then it started spinning in a rapid speed before popping. "See? Like that." She said

"Oh! I get it slightly! Thankyou Hinari-chan!" He thanked her with a toothy grin which was responded by 'hn'

Jiraiya smiled at them then looked at the girl, he pat her head making her look at him. "Come with me a bit, I'll tell you something." He smiled, Hinari scowled. "Don't even think of telling something inappropriate old man." She warned

"Sure won't kid, My type is Tsunade, and a babe with big boobs and in a appropriate age." He grinned and led the way, Hinari followed closely behind; they eventually arrived at a waterfalls slightly far away from Naruto.

"So..? What was it?" Hinari asked

Jiraiya looked at her then swung his hands with intent to hurt her, Hinari dodged, once his fist made contact with the tree behind him, it breaks into two. "Nice dodge." He smiled, at that, he gained a glare.

"Are you testing my patience or somethi-"

"Hiruzen-sensei told me about you skills Crystal Eye, A female anbu of the leaf who has the crystal technique. A technique that was said to be only a rumor. Not only you possesses the Crystal release, but you too have a contact to the Crystal butterflies that was told to books to have been living since the age of the six sage of paths and was failed to summoned by the 3 hokage's and some shinobis." Jiraiya stated

"So..?" She let him continue

"You know Danzo right?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yeah, that arrogant son of a bitch. Why'd you asked?"

"Sensei once told me in a letter that there's a possibility that man might do... or already did something to you." He paused

"I'm thinking that he used a some sort of sealing technique which seals your power once it determines that those technique will either hurt you bad, reduce you lifespan, or kill you straight away. I don't know that man much but he's an asshole, he might did something other than a sealing jutsu to you too." Jiraiya announced

"Why would that man do that?" Hinari asked

"You're too powerful, there's a possibility that he wants you power for himself, that's why he placed something on you... though i cannot see what it is... That's why we need to see Tsunade, that's the real reason i brought you here. To do the last request sensei asked me to do for you." He smiled

Hinari opened her mouths but no words escaped her mouth, she was speechless and didn't know what to say. She was confused, in every way human can be confused.

"You should go and watch Naruto for me, I'm going to find some information about Tsunade. I'm going to summon you using a ninjutsu so be aware." Jiraiya warned before disappearing into smoke just like Kakashi would always do.





It's been days since they talked about Danzo but Hinari was still as confuse as she was the first time she heard it, she stared at her inn room's window as the moonlight illuminates the room she has. She sighed, wanting to go and find that Tsunade so that she can finally find her peace.




"YEEEEY!! I DID IT!!" Hinari was awaken by Naruto's voice next door yelling and jumping up and down, she groaned and got up from her futon. Fixing the room then grabbing a new set of clothes, throwing herself inside the bathroom and started cleansing her body, after it she wore a black t-shirt twice her size reaching her midthigh, she slipped on a white shorts underneath the used her ribbon which she found on her haori as a belt. Her hair was tied in mid ponytail with few strands residing on her front, she slipped on her shinobi shoes (no heels) then went out the inn with all of her things as they were about to depart.

"We'll continue your training once we reach there 'kay?" Jiraiya told Naruto who was excited after popping the rubber ball and the water balloon in a week, He nodded then they depart the village.

The last location...Tanzaku town.




The Crystal Eye

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