Whose Gonna Cave First? (Part 2- Sex Therapy)

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*** The picture has nothing to do with the plot I just thought it was funny. Don't judge. You'll get it if you watch How I Met Your Mother 😎*** I'm dedicating this chapter to Books_Movies_Bands because she made it know that she loves my book. And I was very happy about that.😝 Any way I was supposed to have a video to this, but I couldn't find one so just know that Robin Thicke's Sex Therapy was the inspiration.

Steve and Bucky talked about it, they just didn't know how to approach him. Bruce is a hard person to go by because you don't want to upset him. So Bucky and Steve play rock, paper, scissor, shoot to see who will ask Bruce. They would've asked one of the other Avengers, but they felt Bruce was going to be the most honest. Bucky lost so he has to ask Bruce for his help in this experiment. Bucky groans before getting up off the couch and walking to the table only to sit in front of Bruce and just stare at him. Bruce looks up from his book when he feels eyes on him. He's surprised to see Bucky sitting across from him.
" Um... Can I help you Bucky?" Bucky nods before getting up and sitting next to Bruce. Bucky places his hand on Bruce's knee rubbing his thumb across it softly as he speaks.
" Steve an I were wondering if you wanted to help us out as a good friend that you are." Bruce is highly suspicious at to what Bucky is trying to get at.
" What's the problem?"
" No problem, just an argument we had about who's better at what. Nothin too serious." Bruce looked at Bucky still trying to decide what to do about this.
" It's not really a problem just a little disagreement. Nothin you can't help us fix."
" Bucky what is it? You need to tell me so I can see if I am comfortable helping or not." Bucky nodded his head before taking a deep breath.
" Ok. Steve and I were wondering if you wanted to... have... sex... with us?" Bruce's eye seemed to bulge out of his head in shock. He looked over to the couch to see that Steve was watching them already. He took a deep breath feeling the fear bubbling up in his chest.
" I can't it's dangerous for me and one of you might get hurt and I can't live with that so... No I just-" Bruce was cut off when Bucky stood up and pulled Bruce with him into a hug. Bruce was shocked to say the least before he hugged Bucky back and let his tears fall silently. Bucky rubbed Bruce's back as Steve came over and did the same.
" Bruce listen you're in good hands Steve is very gentle and understanding and I'm kind of the same way now. Remember when I was as stiff as a board and Steve helped me out and I started laughing and everything well he can help you with the other guy. Okay?" When Bucky felt Bruce nod his head he pulled back and saw Bruce look a little nervous and embarrassed. Embarrassed probably because they saw him cry, but Bucky's pretty sure he would've done the same in this situation or has done the same when he was younger. Steve gently grabbed Bruce's hand and pulled him towards his and Bucky's bed room. Bruce didn't protest so they took that as a good sign and continued forward. Once they got to their bedroom Bruce's steps got a little sluggish. Steve noticed and he stopped and turned around to talk to Bruce.
" Bruce you don't have to do this if you don't want to. If this makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to do it." Bruce modded his head before looking up at Steve.
" I want to do this Steve." With a nod of his head, Steve lead them into the room and Bucky closes the door softly behind them. Steve leads Bruce to the bed before sitting him down and gently pulling Bruce into a kiss. Bucky gets on the bed behind Bruce and rubs his shoulders before kissing and sucking on his neck while running his hand up Steve's arm.
Steve starts unbuttoning Bruce's shirt before running his hands down his lean chest and stomach. Bucky pulls the shirt off and throws it off the bed out of the way. Bruce's breath starts picking up and so does his heart and he feels the fear seeping into his veins as he continues. Steve pulls back and he makes Bucky pull back before he grabs Bruce's chin and makes Bruce look at him.
" Buck and I, we've got you. There's no reason to be scared, the Hulk isn't going to come out and if he does he won't hurt us he knows us and knows we're not a threat so you're fine. Let go a little bit Bruce it's ok," Steve tells him softly before peppering his face with kisses and continuing at the slow pace. Bruce's body sags slightly as he calms down and let's himself be care free for a while. Suddenly the warm heat that was behind him is gone and he finds himself on his back sprawled out on the bed with two gorgeous super soldiers hovering above him.
Bucky undoes Bruce's belt before unzipping the pants and pulling them down and off before throwing them next to the discarded shirt from earlier. Next to come off are his boxer and then Bruce is naked with hands running up and down his body. Bruce closes his eyes and let's his head fall back onto the plush bedding while panting. Someone, he doesn't know who, he doesn't want to know because it feels good and he want to enjoy it, takes him in their mouth sucking him off like they were a vacuum. Bruce loves the feeling, having not had this in years, it feel like he was high on ecstasy. Bruce's eyes rolled to the back off his head and his back arched off of the bed as Steve sucked harder on the tip.
" Agh!!!" As Steve sucked Bruce off Bucky sucked on Steve's leaking cock. Steve grunted and Bruce wasn't that far from the edge, but when Steve grunted he came unexpectedly. Steve swallowed all of it as it came out fast and warm. Steve was close to the edge as well so he grabbed a tight grip of Bucky's hair and thrusted his hips as he sank into the beat of Bucky's sinfully good mouth. Bucky is ready for when Steve comes because he know Steve's body so well. He knows when he's about to come and just when he thought Steve would Steve does.
" Ahh! Buck, your so good! Agh!" Steve slowed his thrust and finished coming down from his high. Bucky got up and laid back on the bed and was getting ready to finish himself off when Steve moved his hand out the way and finished Bucky. Steve reached up and tweaked Bucky's nipple and Bucky went ballistic with ecstasy throwing his head back and so moaning loud it had Bruce and Steve's ears ringing. When Bucky was done heaving and what not Steve got on the bead and all three of them just laid there staring up at the ceiling till Bucky had to go and ruin the moment by asking,
" So Bruce, who is the best kisser... me or Steve." Steve reached across Bruce and slapped Bucky for being so blunt before turning to Bruce who was smiling with an amused glint in his eyes. Bruce got up and got dressed before going to the door he turned and looked both Steve and Bucky in the eye before speaking,
" Thank you guys for the "therapy" it helped and I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me stay calm and have some fun." Bruce opened the door and as he was walking out he said, " Steve." Just as he closed the door is when he heard and excited woo coming from the room. He laughed and continued on with his day with a relaxed smile on his face the rest of the day.

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