...𝗗𝗶𝗹 𝗛𝗮𝗶 𝗞𝗶 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮 𝗡𝗮𝗵𝗶...

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NOTE : I Have used a few swear-words, so if you're uncomfortable in reading...then kindly skip the page! 🙏🏻


Two unknown people were uncomfortably sitting on the chair, and were absent-mindedly staring at the menu book given to them to place an order. The girl folded the book, and slipped it on the round table.

"So...what are your hobbies?" The girl asked the young man sitting in front of her normally, and He snapped his head at her with an uncomfortable smile.

"I love learning new languages, baking, listening to music, photography...bowling,  sometimes writing as well...but that's not impressive, so let's cut out this hobby from my list." The guy replied to her with a soft smile, and The girl looked at him with a bored expression.

"That's it? Don't you like clubbing? Traveling to exciting places? Or dancing?" She asked him surprisingly, and He shook his head with a small smile.

"I am a simple man, Richa...I don't like clubbing and all, office to home...home to office, and whenever I get free time...I try baking cookies, cake, and brownies. I love eating them, besides I can cook well...I can make a few essential things, like tea, sandwiches, pasta...noodles, coffee, dal and rice...and pizza." The guy answered her politely, and Richa was wondering Why her family forced her to meet such a mundane type guy.

"Don't you think you are too boring, Sameer? I mean you love baking, that's fine, but you should be active in other important stuff as well...Look I am straightforward, I don't like beating around the bush. I have high expectations from my life partner, and I didn't find any of those qualities in you. I am sorry if my words offended you...but I don't want to give you false hopes." Richa replied to him in a diplomatic tone, and Sameer nodded his head in understanding with a simple smile.

"I totally understand you...and to be honest I also have some expectations from my future wife, which you don't have...I want a girl who could be polite and respectful with me, someone who wouldn't find my qualities boring and annoying...You are utterly opposite from me and my thoughts, and though people say opposite attracts...I couldn't feel any good vibe with you. So it's a clear No from my side." Sameer said gently, and gave a polite smile to her.

"I wasn't ready to meet you, I felt it somewhere after studying your picture that you are not of my type...but then my mom forced me to talk to you...and know you personally, so that is why I am here right now. Otherwise I would have been partying somewhere right now." Richa brought the fire of anger in her voice, and Sameer understood that his words had hurted her so-called hippopotamus size ego.

"My mom did the same...I don't know what She saw in you that she literally emotionally blackmailed me to at least have a cup of coffee with you. Frankly speaking...I don't have a problem with your parties or drinking habits, but I can't really think of spending my whole life with someone, who is so judgemental and downright...making a boring image of mine just by viewing my picture on your phone clearly explains to me about your character. Anyway, it was nice meeting you." Sameer stood up from the chair, and adjusted his thin frame spectacles with a triumphant smile.

"See You Never." He added, after a minute, and walked away from there.

• Sameer knocked on the door of his home, and his mother welcomed him with a hopeful smile, before She could question him about the disaster meeting. He himself said - "She was so blunt, egoistic...and over-critical, I won't say She wasn't good, indeed She was, but not for me."

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