...𝗝𝗮𝗯 𝗪𝗲 𝗠𝗲𝘁...

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Few weeks later - Naina was directing the workers to organise the furniture at accurate places, whilst her phone was constantly buzzing with the sound of some slow-hollywood music. She took a seat for herself on the sofa, which was occupied with electronics stuff, and video-call to her best friend, whose demeanor has changed ever since they completed their six months of friendship. She wiped out the drops of sweat gently, and Sameer received her call after a few rings.

"Hey...Good Morning Buddy. Oh sorry, it must be night there." Naina said with a sheepish smile, and He nodded his head in yes.

"Anyway...why were you calling me constantly? Any emergency?" She asked normally.

"Why? Am I bothering you?" Sameer asked her instead of answering her.

"No Man, you are taking me wrong...I mean to say I am at work right now, and your constant calls were worrying me. That's it." Naina said in a soft voice, and looked at his face exhaustedly.

"Ok then, I will hang up. Bye." He uttered, in a low voice.

"No let it be, it's lunch time now...so the workers have gone to have their meal, they'll be back after some time...till then we can talk." She said with a beaming smile, but He seemed to be the least interested.

"Don't you have to eat anything?" Sameer asked.

"I had sandwiches...I don't have an appetite right now, so I'll drink a cup of cappuccino." Naina replied to him with a small smile.

"Ok...then." He said slowly.

Naina - "Yeah...and say something? Why are you so quiet and lost nowadays? Is everything ok at your place?"

Sameer - "Everything is fine, don't worry."

Naina - "Then why are you behaving so coldly towards me? I really can't remember if I had said something offensive to you...which disappointed you."

Sameer - "No, nothing like that, I am just quite packed up with work."

Naina - "Doesn't seem so...you are lying to me."

Sameer put the laptop on the small table, which he uses for work, and looked at her with soft eyes - "Look Naina...whatever I am going to tell you right now, please don't take it otherwise. I tried very hard to coax myself...but none of my efforts are working."

Naina was feeling anxious now, his facial expressions did nothing but double her fear. She nodded her head slightly, and looked around herself to see if someone was there.

Sameer rubbed his hands anxiously, and fetched a bottle of water to extinguish the thirst of his parched throat. He knew his forthcoming words will certainly create a distance between them, perhaps more than He expected, but he can't pretend to be her friend anymore. He is getting addicted to her as much as they're communicating with each other, and this separation was making him restless.

"Naina...I won't take much of your time. Earlier I said I was afraid of love, and I really mean that...but you somehow convinced me. Though unintentionally...and Now that I am addicted to you, I hope you won't ditch me." He said in a meek tone, and the perturbation behind the glassy screen of his spectacles could be seen by Naina.

"Ok...I know you are addicted to me, but what is the link between Addiction and Love?" Naina asked him with an uncertain expression.

"Oh Naina...please don't make it more complicated for me, try to understand what I am saying to you. I am addicted to you...are you getting me?" Sameer said in an annoyed voice, and She shook her head innocently with no idea what He was trying to convey to her.

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