Guilty Feeling

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I probably sat there with my head in my hands for about 15 minutes, doing nothing. Why? Why did this happen? It's not like I did anything to- My eyes widen slightly. Is it because of the promise? Is that what caused my eye to change? How? How does that work? I lean my had back against the door and look up at my ceiling. I shouldn't question it. Even if I do figure it out, there's no way for to change it back.

"Kuroko, what are you doing here? You should be resting!" I walk past Riko and keep walking. "Kuroko..?" Kagami-kun walks up to me, "Yo, what are you doing here?" I shrug, "I couldn't sit still. I had to do something so I came here." Riko puts a hand on my shoulder, "Kuroko, you seem... Different." I look up at her, "Im sorry. I'm a little stressed and maybe Momoi-San was right.." Kagami-kun tilts his head in confusion. "What did she mean when she said Akashi changed for the worse?" I looked up at the red headed giant. "When Murasakibara-kun started winning against Akashi-kun, he changed. Not only his eyes but his personality, mindset and aura. It was like he changed into another person instantly." Everyone gasps and looks at eachother.

"No one was able to do anything. Momoi-san took it the hardest. After that the Generation of Miracles changed. The new coach couldn't handle it. Everyone trusted their own abilities and not each other, leaving me behind." Their faces turned solemn. "We're sorry Kuroko. We didn't know." I shrugged and held up my hands, gesturing for Furihata-kun to pass the ball to me.

"Kuroko, if I may ask, what as Akashi like before he.. Changed?" I was about to shoot when I froze. "Nice. He put the team before himself. Made decisions that would better the team.." I left my words fade out before taking the shot, landing in perfectly. "He was different then." Kagami-kun narrows his eyes, "We'll beat him, Kuroko!" A fake smile is plastered on my face. I have too much on my mind to smile genuinely. If they found out about my promise, they wouldn't be able to trust me anymore.

I'm a hypocrite, I know. Talking about trust when I'm deceiving my teammates. It's a terrible promise that I can't back out of. If they knew about it when I joined the team, they wouldn't be the way they are now. They wouldn't see the same way. I hope they won't hate me. If they find out, that is. "Kurokocchi!" My head whips around in the direction of the voice.

"Kise-kun?" The golden blonde model rushes towards me and bear hugs me, almost tackling me to the ground. "Kise, be gentle! He just got out of the hospital!"

A/N: enjoying it?

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