Rab - Dragon Quest 11

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Bio - Rab is one of the main protagonists of Dragon Quest 11 enlisted to help defeat the darkness of Erdrea, Mordegon. He was once the king of a mighty kingdom and the guardian of the mighty family. However after a devastating conquest on the kingdom that left him and his kingdoms in ruins, he trained the once young princess Jade to become the best she can be and helps his grandson (the main protagonist) to defeat the darkness. Now he is come to teach that same grandson a lesson in the world of Super Smash Brothers.

Attributes – Rab has two less than average jumps and has no additional movement options. He is a Lightweight character (same as Greninja) with slow movement speed (same as Mii Gunner).

Entrance – A magical sigil appears and Rab pops out of it before the sigil disappears, very similar to Hero's entrance.

Gimmick – Rab has an MP meter, identical to Hero's. It is reduced by Specials and certain moves but is replenished if any other move deals damage to any opponent. MP is automatically replenished with 1 MP regained per 1.5 seconds. Unlike Hero, all of Rab's magic-based attacks have a 4% chance to deal 1.5 times damage and knockback.

Jab – Twohit claw swipe from the top left to bottom right and from the top right to the bottom left. Medium ranged yet decently quick.

Dash Attack – Double claw swipe from high to low in an X format.

Side Tilt – A staff swing from bottom to top, knocking the opponent in a forward upward angle.

Up Tilt – Upward claw swipe from front to back.

Down Tilt – Downward claw stab in front of Rab that hits low to the ground. The tip of the claw stab has a sweet spot.

Side Smash – Powerful frontal claw stab that has considerable start lag but lacks end lag. It can be angled depending on controller input.

Up Smash – Uses Propeller Blade, a two-hit jumping uppercut attack that is only good for hitting in front of Rab as well as in front of his y-axis. 

Down Smash – Quick downward claw swipes, first on Rab's front, followed by a hit that lands behind him. Low start lag but considerable end lag so he can get back up (cause he is old).

Neutral Air – Rab swings his claws on either side of him from high to low at the same time. It has low knockback and doesn't deal much damage.

Forward Air – Frontward claw strike from high to low, its quick and is fairly similar to Bowser's forward air.

Back Air – Backward staff stab, quickest of his aerials but lacks a vertical hitbox however it has a great horizontal hurtbox. The tip of the staff deals more damage and knockback but rest of move deals less damage and sends opponents not that far.

Up Air – Lingering upward Staff stab. A quick move but if held, Zam will be cast at the end of the staff, surrounding it with a small blast of energy that does much more damage and knockback. The explosion is fairly small as well as being at the tip of the staff. The Zam cast also costs Rab 8 MP whether the move hits or not and the move gains much more end lag when used.

Down Air – Staff swing that goes below Rab from front to back and spikes opponents if hit by the tip of the staff (bottom of the staff).

Grab – Rab grabs opponent with hand, very short range due to short arms.

Pummel – Knee jabs to the opponent's stomach.

Forward Throw – Claw swipe sends opponent forward.

Backward Throw – Rab throws the opponent behind him followed by him doing a low to high claw swipe that sends the foe backward.

Up Throw – Small ice pillar comes out of the ground and sends the opponent straight upward. The ice pillar disappears afterward. Uses 6 MP as a result.

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