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Two Weeks Later

Annika stepped out of the car, the humidity smacking her hard in the face, forcing her lungs to work a little harder to process oxygen. Shivaay, looking like he belonged on the beach a hundred yards to her left with the sun gilding his dark hair and reflecting off his aviators, even in all black as usual, glanced at her. "You get used to the humidity," he teased.

"God, I hope so," Annika gasped, fanning herself. She looked around then moved to grab her bag from the back seat of the SUV, even as two young Latino guys, looking damn good to the girl without shirts and their very white smiles, passed by, giving her the once over.

"Mira a esa chica. Esa es una de culo caliente." (Look at that girl, that's a hot ass)

"Joder sí es!" (Fuck yes it is!)

She had no idea what they said, but smiled as she hefted her bag down. Shivaay lifted it from her hand, looking disgruntled. "What did they say?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said and Annika shrugged.

"C'mon, we have to check in, then I want to get on that beach." She lead the way to the hotel and smiled at the doorman, who winked back and they checked in. When they got to the room, Shivaay dropped their bags, pulled her flush against his front, and kissed her hungrily.

Annika surged up into his mouth, pressing herself against him. He lifted her easily and carried her back to the massive bed with far too many pillows, grabbing her ass firmly as his tongue pushed into her willing mouth, and then he dropped her on the plush, massive bed. "Get undressed."

She didn't hesitate to comply, and whipped her shirt off. "So what did they really say?" she asked, sitting up on her knees as she unbuttoned her shorts and tugged them down.

"The one was telling his friend to look at you, because you've got a hot ass. The friend agreed." He moved over her as she laid back after the last of their clothing fell away. "Which is true, but still bothersome to have pointed out."

Annika grinned, pulling him down to kiss him properly. "Good thing you're here to keep a handle on the situation," she murmured as his mouth moved down her neck and she moaned softly as he nipped at her pulse point. His hands moved to pin her wrists above her head and she remained stretched out as his fingers trailed teasingly down her arms.

Shivaay took his time kissing and licking and nipping at her sensitive breasts, drawing out hoarse cries of pleasure that damned him further and further. But it was utterly and completely worth it. When she wriggled and panted he at last moved lower, and lower still, and when she moaned in anticipation as he spread her thighs, Shivaay almost lost it right then. "Fuck, Annika," he grunted, then tasted her.

Her fingers gripped his hair as she cried out, "Yes, Shivaay!"

The man brought her skillfully to a swift orgasm, drawing out the pleasure that had her moaning loud, arching into him, her cries all for him, the bite of her fingernails into his shoulders fixing him to reality as he watched her writhing in completion. "I don't think I can stop," Shivaay groaned as he kissed his way back up her luscious body. He was aching for her. When she moved beneath him again, her limbs clinging to him, he knew he was lost.

"Don't stop," she whimpered, lifting her pelvis to his in a silent plea.

The man buried his face in her neck, breathing deep the enticingly vanilla-laced aroma of her, striving for control. Pleasuring her was one thing. Taking her entirely, fitting her to him and around him, fucking her, was a whole different ball game. Because once wouldn't be enough. Like every part of her he'd sampled thus far. But dear fucking God, he wanted. Badly. "I don't have any-" he began, trying to think of any excuse.

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