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On Wednesday Annika woke up alone, and sighed. She met Shivaay downstairs and they went running in Central Park. At their predetermined stopping point, as per the specifically chosen route to minimize possible paparazzi exposure, Annika barely caught her breath before Shivaay backed her up against a tree and kissed her breathless again. "I've been waiting to do that since you walked off the elevator," he rumbled against her ear, then pressed his lips to the sensitive spot just below on her neck.

Annika giggled, and pushed him back. I've been waiting since rolling over and finding an empty bed this morning. "Me too," she said instead.

She met her mother for hair and makeup at five thirty that evening. The hairdresser set to work. "I'm so glad you're feeling better, honey," she said.

"Thanks, Mom," she said as a lady started on her nails. "Is this necessary?" she asked on a sigh, gesturing to the nail woman with her free hand.

"Of course," Vanshika Trivedi said, elegant and perfectly buffed and coiffed as always. Annika could see why her mother had been a model, because she was still lovely. "This is going to be the best show for me, I'm just tickled you've decided to let me dress you up, at long last." The younger girl rolled her eyes. Her mother had wanted her to follow in her footsteps and model. Annika had very little desire to do so, if only this once to make her mother happy, because she didn't see herself as being quite beautiful enough to. Her mouth was a little too thin, her nose a little too long, and she found her eyes weren't quite photogenic enough. And she would hate to be told to lose ten kilograms.

"Well enjoy it, because it's not happening again," she said firmly. "And when do I get to see what I'm wearing?"

V: "When you get dressed."

Annika went to get dressed an hour and a half later, after her hair had been tortured into big, Old Hollywood curls and set with an ungodly amount of hairspray, and she'd been caked in makeup. She almost didn't recognize herself in the mirror but she had to admit, she looked pretty fucking fantastic.

And then she went to get dressed, and almost walked out right then. She called her mother on her cell. "Mom, are you on drugs? I can't wear that!"

"You have to, honey, it's the showpiece. Trust me, it will fit, and it will look stunning. Go go, Annika, put it on quick. Tight schedule. Ta!" Her mother hung up on her and Annika sighed. I better get a goddamn pony for fucking Diwali.

She put the dress on, and the mink that went with it, although she felt horrible and shuddered a little and waited with the other girls in the lineup. The girl tried not to chew her lip with nerves, hoping she wouldn't fall flat on her face, and ignored the looks of the other, all very stunning, models. You can do this. Just walk out, pose, turn, half pose, walk back. You can do this. It's going to be fine.

She was dusted with one last swipe of powder before she stepped out, the very last one in line, and cameras flashed at her. She followed the sedate tempo of the music as she walked down the catwalk, just as she'd been taught since she could recall, and posed, smiling. When she shifted, just before her turn, she caught sight of Shivaay, gave him a real smile, then turned, and caught sight of Daksh Khuranna, who winked. Annika ignored him, walked back as the other models started their last look parade, and then came out with her mother, forcing a smile she didn't quite feel as everyone clapped and her mother beamed and bowed and waved. The girl was glad the spotlight was blinding.

Afterward was the after party, with a large guest list of A-listers, models and other designers, and Annika wished she could slink back to her hotel room. "You look good up there, Annika," Daksh said from behind her.

"Too bad you look worse up close," she said easily, tucking the loathable mink up around herself, trying to cover herself.

"This red is a good colour on you." He trailed a finger from the tip of her shoulder down the plunging neckline of the gown with its gradient silk mesh.

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