1. Oya?

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A/N: Characters here are the seniors from Haikyuu, so some captains won't be included (or they can have an appearance but they're not related to the main story). 


"Eh?!" Tooru looked around him, his eyes wide in shock as he catch a glimpse of all of the people that were selected for this volleyball camp.

"Hey hey hey!" Fukurodani's Ace—Kotaro Bokuto—hollered, his hair extra high and bouncy today as he was so thrilled by today's events. Kuroo snickered, hitting Bokuto's back lightly. He was used to his friend's loudness but this wasn't the right time for that. "Nice to meet all of you." He initiated, since everyone still looks so surprised and shock by what was happening. To be honest, he was also shocked but the feeling was quickly overcome by excitement and trepidation. I mean, who wouldn't be excited when almost all of the captains and star players were in front of him at this very moment—at this exact place. He smiled, his heart racing as he was already imagining what can take place within the two months that they'll be together.

Daichi quickly bowed back, blinking rapidly. "Ah, nice to meet all of you."

"Oikawa-San, nice to meet you!" Bokuto—being the carefree social butterfly that he is—suddenly put his arm around Oikawa Tooru who was still perplexed, especially since he spotted Ushijima Wakatoshi standing still and being his robot self beside Karasuno's past captain. Bokuto's hug brought him back to reality, causing him to chuckle awkwardly. "Ah, I've heard so much about you Bokuto-San."

"Same about you! I'm excited to receive all your tosses, Hey hey hey!"

"Your energy is really on another level, Bokuto." Kuroo sighed, not really knowing what to do with his outrageous friend.

"Okay, I hope you're all acquainted enough!" A voice hollered out from a distance, causing all of them to look at that direction. It was this camp's head coach—Nakamoto Toshi. He was the past coach of the Japan National Volleyball team for almost 10 years, but he retired from that post and just wanted to lay low. Next to him was his assistant coach, Miyamoto Hito. He was known during his time as a genius setter and an "undefeatable" champion. When he was in highschool, he led his team to win the nationals three years in a row. Upon seeing the legendary duo as the facilitators for this camp, the participants forgot all about their confusion and became intrigued, remembering that they came here to become stronger in volleyball—prepping all of them for the college league.

"You are all selected to train in this summer camp based on the talent and potential you've shown when you were still in highschool. After this camp, there will be a match with coaches and scouts from different universities and teams all over Japan. I know some of you have already received offers from different universities in the country, but you still have months to decide. In this camp, we will try our best to mold you into becoming the best. Highschool is just the beginning, forget about everything you knew in highschool. We're here to prepare you for the big leagues."

Bokuto gulped, he barely gets nervous and anxious, but hearing coach Toshi talk about the big leagues makes him sweat.

"Let's get you all settled first. After you settle into your respective rooms, you have 30 minutes to rest. After that, proceed here in the gymnasium for some evaluation." Coach Toshi then signaled for coach hito to continue, the latter cleared his throat before speaking. "I will now be announcing your room designations."

"Room 201 will be Daichi Sawamura and Kita Shinsuke." Both of the mentioned players looked at each other and smiled in acknowledgement.

"Room 202 will be Koshi Sugawara and Hajime Iwaizumi."

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