3. Together, I guess.

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Sugawara's stomach was grumbling. This day's training was harsher than what they had yesterday. They were all awaken by a loud siren at 5:30 in the morning—they didn't even had the time to shower or brush their teeth, since they were all demanded to be at the field in 5 minutes. They were forced to jog for 30 minutes straight, and then it was followed by a quick game. They had different teammates compared to yesterday, and they were all too tired to even take the game seriously due to exhaustion. After one set, they were instructed to take their breakfast before having a 20 minute break to freshen up and rest.

They were then separated into groups to get more specific training, and this went on until the early afternoon until they were finally served late lunch. They didn't even have the time to digest their food properly since they were only given a short amount of time to eat and rest. Another game was held, and it's finally the last activity for the day. The groupings changed once again and they had to play with different teammates. Some were getting confused by the constant rotation of players and maybe because they're getting burned out as well.

Sugawara can't believe that this was only their second day.

The losing team didn't even try anymore when the winning team reached the set point—all of them just want this day to be over with. When the game was finally over, the coaches praised them for a job well done and to freshen up since dinner was still going to be served after thirty minutes. All the participants nodded their heads as a reply before heading out to their respective rooms to rest for a little bit.

Sugawara walked alongside Daichi as they made their way towards the cafeteria since it was already seven in the evening. "I almost died today. I didn't know that when I received a letter indicating that I was selected for this camp meant facing my death." Sugawara complained, second guessing his decisions. If he just didn't sign up for this camp, he'll be sightseeing around the country by now. But Daichi was also selected as a participant, and his friend was just so excited upon finding out that Suga was also chosen. The bright smile on his captain's face was just too precious for him that he can't turn it down.

"It's fulfilling though. I feel like I'm getting stronger." Daichi smiled, his eyes passionate—which made Suga smile as well. It was just sad that Asahi couldn't join the camp since he had some personal issues to sort out this summer. Although, he's lucky to have turned this camp down since it's a living proof of hell on earth, Suga thought.

The comfortable silence between the two Karasuno alumni was broken when they heard fast approaching footsteps, making them look back to see who was running like he was competing in a marathon. Sugawara's eyes widened when he saw Bokuto running like a mad man, his eyes ferocious. "I need food, I NEED FOOD NOW!" He yelled as he accelerated, his speed surprising Sugawara and Daichi.

"Bokuto-San, you forgot to wear a shirt again!" Oikawa was running after Bokuto as he hold a shirt up, trying to make the Fukurodani ace to realize that he was rushing to the cafeteria shirtless. Oikawa then stopped, panting as he crouched forward—unable to chase Bokuto anymore.

Daichi just blinked, quite raddled with what he just witnessed. Oikawa was still trying to catch his breath when Daichi noticed that the setter was also shirtless. He wanted to laugh since Oikawa was basically chasing Bokuto to advise him that he forgot to wear a shirt, when he himself also forgot to wear one. He just stifled his laughter, not wanting to offend Seijoh's past captain. "Uhm...Oikawa, you're also shirtless." He remarked, pointing his finger towards the Great King's naked torso.

Oikawa was still breathing heavily, his lungs felt like it was about to give up any minute. Why is Bokuto such a child? Oikawa huffed in annoyance. But at the same time, you can't avoid and ignore him due to the fact that he IS a child. He didn't even notice that he was resting in front of Daichi and Sugawara, his five senses still rebooting when Daichi muttered something. He then suddenly felt a chill run down his spine as Daichi pointed at his body, causing Oikawa to finally decipher what his past opponent was saying.

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