2. Ghosts?!

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"Oikawa, nice serve!"

Tooru spun the ball around his calloused hands, his eyes observing the scene before him. He looked around, locking his eyes with his selected prey before he served the ball.

As usual, the opposing team scrambled to receive the ball. Their setter was Semi Eita, a shiratorizawa alumni. The ball was then given to Aran, a powerful ace from Inarizaki. Thankfully, the ball was well received by Kita Shinsuke from their team. However, Oikawa was a little bit confused since his team consisted of two powerful aces. He still doesn't know if he's going to toss the ball towards Ushiwaka or Bokuto. But his eyes and instinct never betray him—he quickly tossed the ball towards Bokuto-San, who scored a straight.

"Nice kill 'Taro-Chan." Oikawa smiled at him. Meanwhile, Bokuto was yelling out that he's the best and pumping his fists up in the air. Kuroo just sniggered at his friend from the other side of the court, "it's too early in the game to proclaim that, Baka."

Oikawa just comforted Bokuto as he was defending himself angrily from Kuroo. Ushijima then approached him, his eyes serious. "Give me the ball next."

Oikawa just scoffed at his enemy, but didn't say anything else. He could phrase it nicer, he thought.

The game continued for 20 more minutes. It was just one set since the coaches just wants to see how they all play. Every day they'll be teamed up with different players so that they can be more flexible when it comes to playing. The coaches told all of them that in sports, they shouldn't rely on familiarity. They need to constantly evolve and to strengthen themselves, and to never rely on another teammate. It's important to be strong individually so that you can support your teammates better and help you win.

Bokuto gloated, grinning widely in front of Kuroo once the game was over since his team won by 2 points. "Ha! I told you I'm the best Kuroo~"

"Your teammates are better than you, you only scored 10 points today. Ushijima did almost all of the points."

Bokuto's hair suddenly subsided, his posture slouched. "Oh,"

"Hey everyone, it's time to eat. I heard there's a lot of meat." Oikawa decided to barged into the scene, sensing that Bokuto is about to enter his emo mode. The owl then had a realization, an imaginary light bulb turning on in his head. "I only scored ten points because Oikawa-san keeps on giving the ball to Ushijima."

Oikawa froze, his expression nervous. "E-Eh?"

Kuroo nodded, also realizing this fact. "Come to think of it, Oikawa tossed to Ushijima more." Oikawa's ears perked up as anxiety filled his nerves, his body can barely move. He didn't even realize that if Bokuto didn't point it out. He was just playing as usual, he didn't think much of it and just ride the wave of the gameplay.

"It's because Ushijima is always in a better position to receive the ball. I think you haven't adjusted yet to Oikawa-san's tosses, Bokuto-san." The three of them looked towards the direction of the stranger, seeing Kita Shinsuke making his way towards the trio. "On the other hand, Ushijima-san looks like he quickly adjusted to Oikawa-san's tosses. As if they were playing together for years now." The trio blinked their eyes at the past Inarizaki's captain, quite bewildered by his bluntness. "I'm Kita Shinsuke, by the way." He then smiled, surprising the boys even more. What's wrong with this dude? One minute he's criticizing Bokuto and now he's introducing himself with a smile, kuroo thought.

"Eh?" Bokuto tried his best to rack his brain of something, finding it hard to think. Thinking was always his weakness. "Maybe I just got so accustomed to Akaashi's tosses." He then frowned, his hair deflating. "I miss him."

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