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Dave's Pov: 

Ari just left and i'm just sitting outside letting what she said sink in. Am I really in-love with Millie? Do I even love Ari? A lot of thoughts going on in my mind. I was upset that my marriage had really got to this point, I always wanted a successful marriage and here I was ruining mine. It was just something about our marriage that made me think it wasn't real, maybe it was because it was based off a contract. All I know is I didn't want to lose Ari at all I needed her and even though she said she would come around I just felt as this was goodbye forever. I regret everything I did yo, like Bernice, Millie, and even a few other bitches she didn't deserve that at all. All I want to go home with her and my daughter but its already to late now I have to deal the cards I've been dealt. Too be honesty I'm pissed off I really wanna go home and lay down with baby girl but money has to be made. 

I put out my blunt and went in the house to let them know we was leaving.

"Aye Ma we out I'm rey take them home and then I got to head to the studio."

"Not so fast me and you need to have a talk no if and or buts and no it can not wait let's go in the kitchen"

I followed my Ma in the kitchen knowing she rey get on my ass.

"At first I was going to respect y'all wishes and not ask anything but its too much shit that hasn't been said and I need to piece out wtf going on"

I could tell she was mad because she was cussing. I'm not saying my mothers a saint but she rarely cuss only when she's upset.

"Aight so what you want to know Ma?"

"Everything stop acting so nonchalant cause I know you bother about what just went down and when did Ari and Millie fight and why?"

"Look Ma I messed up okay I cheated on Ari not just once but multiple times okay. Two of the girls Ari knows about one of them being Millie. I would pick fights and arguments with her over little shit and we would stop talking and I guess us not talking was a way for me to justify my actions. I'm sorry but I can't take it back."

"David I'm so disappointed in you! You wasn't raised like this and you know it. What was the point of you marring that girl if you wasn't going to stay committed? Then you brung Kai into all this! This is not you and I want you to go back to the boy I raised I'm not liking this! But when did they fight"

I knew my momma was right but I also notice she was tryna be messy I knew she didn't like Millie and she adored Ariana. 

"At couple days ago when we called quits. It was actually the day we left from you house after dinner. You didn't know that me and Ari wasn't on talking terms and that was my fault. The week she was gone to see he Nana I had Millie in our house sleeping with me in our bed and shit. I also went out with this other girl and it was posted on social media and so instead of wanting to talk about it I stayed over the girls house while Ari was at home. When she popped up over here that day we went home she wanted to talk and I didn't but I went to talk anyways. "

"Damn Boy I should slap yo ass embarrassing me like that know damn well you were taught to respect women but continue"

"So I went downstairs expecting her to blow up about the girl and stuff cause at this time she didn't know about Millie. Instead of going of she asked me very calmly if I still wanted to be with her anymore and it confused me until she asked again and I got mad, I didn't want us to separate. As we were arguing about her not leaving me there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it while she got a phone call. As I'm in the front I open the door and there stood Millie, the first thing she wants to argue about was seeing me and Bernice together on the ShadeRoom and she wanna yell talking about is this what we doing. I'm trying to calm her down cause I didn't want Ari to hear but it was too late. I guess she was behind me and Millie yelled out talking about how she was laid up with me all week in our house pretending to be the perfect family that Ari so desperately wanted and shit. I'm freaking out and didn't know what was about the happen so I called shooter and bully over then all of a sudden Ari just ran up and beat the shit out of millie. I ain't never seen her that mad, Bully and shooter came in we all tryna break it up but she was too strong. I then finally pulled her off millie and held her up by her shirt on the wall and then she just started to beat the shit out of me I couldn't even react she was fast asf."

"Damn i'm glad she beat Millie's ass that girl need a old school ass whopping she better be glad Ari gave it to her cause I was rey too"

"Yeah then Ari ran upstairs packing all her shit talking about she's done and I don't have to worry about her no more and shit. I couldn't just let her leave so she packing stuff I'm unpacking stuff and blocking her from leaving until bully said to let her go she needs to cool off. But then she left her card and took off her ring and it sent me to the edge I just got so mad. I tried to force the ring back on her finger and shit but eventually I let her leave and then we had today"

I sigh I looked at my momma and she look as if she was thinking about some shit.

"Dave you said that before you open the door for Millie that Ariana got a phone call?"

I shook me head yes confused on why she was asking.

"Did she look kinda off when she came back afterwards"

"I mean yea she had a few tears in her eyes I just figured she was upset about the situation"

"My poor baby, I gotta make sure I call her I the morning to check up on her"

"Why you say that Ma? Is there something I don't know?"

"Oh she didn't tell you?"

I shook my head no confused as a mf.

"Her Nana passed away Dave. The night all that went down, that phone call was them informing her on her death"

"Say swear! Ma I really didn't know I got to call her"

"No let her get some rest tonight and then reach out to her its been hard enough for her already tonight"

"Aight Ma but let me get them home, Bye I love you"

"I love you too baby, even though you get on my nerves. Let me sat by to my grand baby first."

After we left I head towards Millies apartment with a sleeping kai in the back and Millie in the passenger seat. 

"Dave where we going?"

"To you crib Mills where else?"

"So we not going to the house tonight?"

"No and why you saying that like we all live there that's my house"

"Okay but we are a family so why can't it just be our house?"

"Cause that's the house that me and my Wife picked out not you. Thats our house"

"It wasn't y'all house when you was fucking me in it was it?"

"Yo millie shut tf up! I'm not in the mood I just lost my fucking wife I don't have to deal with your bullshit."

"You keep saying you wife but you damn sure wasn't treating her as a wife"

"Yo stfu dead ass! We here so get the fuck out and I will let you know when I leave to studio so I can get Kai."

"Why we just can't spend the night here when you get off? Why you acting brand new?"

"Yo bye millie" I said after I laid my daughter down kissing her goodnight. 

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