Funny Shit

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*Two weeks Later*

Ari's Pov:

So two weeks ago after the cook out tell me why Dave didn't come home till 7am talking about he had a hangover and slept over Bully's. My thing is you told me you had business to handle what business were you doing to get drunk. Ever since the cookout he been acting weird and its pissing me off.

Right now its going on 9 when I told that dinner was gone be ready at 7 and he still ain't here. I called him and phone went straight to voice mail. Me and Kai finished dinner and stay up watching Tangle and it's around 10 o'clock and the door opens. I look up a Dave who's just came in and didn't even say hi or nothing just went straight upstairs. I picked up Kai and took her to her room and put her to sleep, then I went to our bedroom. Dave was in the shower so I got in the bed waiting for him until he finally got out.

"Dinner was a 7 not 10"

"I know work just ran over later than usual so I just got food from the Chinese place."

"Are you good cause you been acting funny lately"

He signed loudly like I was getting on his nerves which rubbed me the wrong way.

"Acting funny how"

"Like coming home later, not answer you phone, not having the decency to tell me you coming home late and Sighing like im getting on your nerves when all im tryna do it make sure everything's good."

"Its just frustrating coming home from work to you questioning me"

"I just tryna make sure you good my bad"

"I know but damn im grown I know how to handle things if I wasn't straight I would let you know."

"Yeah you are grown but you damn sure ain't acting like it my bad for tryna make sure my Kingpin of a husband is okay, I worry every time you step out the mf door if your gonna come home to me and our child so when you don't answer the phone and don't give me heads up I get scared."

"I know but if something was to happen I will let you know you don't have to know every little thing I do."

"How you gon let me know if your dead or in the hospital huh? Dumbass getting mad at me cause I'm worried about you."

"Well maybe if you get a job or something to occupy your day you would be so focused on me."

"Are you fucking serious the reason I don't work is because of you. Talking about I don't want my wife working she just needs to take care of our child and our home. Don't try to say it like I'm lazy cause I was a hard worker before I met you and I can damn sure be one again. But if you don't want me checking up on you all the time I won't."

"That's fine"

I rolled over and laid down while he laid down next to me and we went to sleep.

*Two days later*

I'm over it! Since our argument Dave have barely spoken a word to me, i'm tryna move forward but he's ignoring me. I don't even understand why he's that mad I should be the one mad, I just want my Pookie back. Plus he's been sleeping in the guess room ever since. The following morning I was tryna apologize and have morning sex and he turned me down which ain't never happen before. He doesn't come home for dinner and he doesn't stay for breakfast and whenever he's home he's either with Kai or in his office. I'm just relieved that his still spending time with Kai and not avoiding home in general. Yesterday him and Kai spent the whole day together and I was happy, alone but happy.

Since our argument I've been thinking about what Dave said and so I decide to get my Real Estate License. Today I was meeting you with the lady to discuss my class schedule since I am a mom so I dropped Kai off over Ma's. I headed to Manhattan and met with the lady and we decided that I will attend Classes Tues.-Thurs. considering Monday's and Friday's are my most busy days. After I left I decided to bring Dave lunch and burry the hatched, I decided to get us some food from Mother Alda's and soul food restaurant ran by a lady from down south. I got us, Bully, and Shooter some food cause I know they hungry.

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