(1) Burn In Hell

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There she lay in her cheap wooden coffin laying on the ground, just about to be lowered 6 feet under. I didn't feel much sadness as that woman had ruined my brother's and my own life. she was meant to be there for us to raise and shape us into respectable, kind, loving people. she was meant to pick me up when I had fallen, to believe in me and comfort me when I was at my lowest but she didn't. I would be surprised if she even remembered my birthday. 

My brother, Drew wrapped his arms around me as I re-sat my head onto his shoulder. my brother was my parental figure he was only 4 years older than me but he tried his best to make me enjoy life. my mother was slowly lowered into the ground, I then whipped out my mother's lighter and a box of cigarettes from my pocket. I tossed both harshly at the coffin, one by one letting out all the anger and rage I had stored inside of me. my brother gripped me a bit tighter guiding me away from the grave. he guided me to one of our stepdad's glamorous cars, which my brother loved and used all the time when possible.

"Why don't you just apparate us home," I asked as I climbed into the car.

"Sir Kellogg hates us using magic" he said as he started up the car. 

"You just want to impress girls, don't you, with his flashy cars" I stayed but drew only smiled in response. I leaned back in my seat, taking a long hard sigh

"We suffered, that woman was horrible to us but let Claudina Kellogg's soul burn in fucking hell" I whispered like she was in the car now. my brother didn't reply but remained silent nodding slightly, as he drove. neither of us spoke for the whole ride which was very much like us, when we were given silence we took it and enjoyed it, but we also never really talked about feelings or life with one another. Once we arrived we got out of the car and dragged ourselves into the mansion-sized house we had lived in for coming up 5 years now. when I reached the top of the stairs I turned to look at the high grand gates and remembered when we were first brought here. it was my mother's wedding day and her new husband had made it deadly clear he hated us. when he told us we were worthless and just stealing all his money Mum didn't look hurt but looked so happy. but I thought deep down somewhere she must care, she must have felt some guilt about how this man was treating us as he shoved and beat me around. I got it worse than my brother, he only yelled at but I had to hide the bruises.

 we walked into the house and thank god there was no sign of our stepfather Sir Kellogg being in. My brother turned to me and drew me into a hug

"I better get to the ministry, see you tonight," he said and I nodded. he then let go and apparated on the spot and I stared at the spot where he once stood wishing I could join him. I looked at the grand staircase leading to the floor above and I thought of my mother. my mind drifted to the time she came in through the entrance drunk with a man by her side. she drew him into a sloppy snog and dragged the poor git to her room. I shook the thought from my mind and decided to head up the stairs to my room. my room was up in the tiny attic, as I did not deserve a proper bedroom. I sat flat on my mattress, remembering times before my mother married the overweight, wealthy, wicked Sir Kellogg. I used to not see her for weeks but when she, unfortunately, did show up she would make a scene. she would either be high on drugs, drunk or drag toxic fumes into the house. she would either hit me and my brother or bring back some sleazy drunk to have sex with. it wasn't the most pleasant thing when I was five but I grew to it happening, but it didn't make it any easier or less painful to deal with. Then when I was seven my brother went off to Hogwarts leaving me all alone to fend for myself. most days I would stay in my shared bedroom but I had to eat and drink. so some days I would rummage around on the streets desperate for food and at some points, I would beg people for money. I was at my all-time low, where I had breakdowns a few times a day, just the thought of them made me squirm. I would collapse to the ground, screaming crying asking myself questions out loud as I would injure myself against furniture. then when my mother would mysteriously reappear it was even worse as I was her sole target to bother. there was no one to protect me now so I was beaten up often and brutally by her. At that point, I thought life wouldn't get any worse, and luckily I think I was right, thank god but it left its scars. I feared multiple things one being my mother, but I just wanted a free and happy life.

It Started With A Letter ~Remus Lupin/Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now