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    I heard the door slammed shut, that was when I became conscious. I could not open my eyes due to the throbbing pain in my head but

I had to try. I tried opening my eyes and I was successful but then I closed it immediately because my eyes was not used to the light yet. I blinked a few times trying to get my eyes accustomed to the light. I checked my surroundings.

I realised I was on a bed that was not comfortable at all unlike my king sized bed in my mansion. Then immediately it was like something clicked in my head and I suddenly remembered all that happened. My birthday, the accident , my  parents, my brother, my life, every thing was just swirling in my head like stars which made my head hurt even more . I raised my hand to hold my head and I felt a bandage on my head.

I tried sitting up but my head was too heavy, but I still managed to sit up while holding my head and squinting my eyebrows like it would soothe the pain.

I looked around the room, it looked average and cheap. With a worn out chair lying at the side of the room. There were two wooden doors, the first probably led outside while the other to the bathroom. There was a medium window with the curtains pulled. There was nothing one could point to that would make it seem like someone uses the room. The entire room was dry even the off white painting was fading, but it was considerably neat.
Then someone came in,he was an old man probably in his late fifties or early sixties. He had wrinkles all over his face but that did not hide his handsomeness.

He had brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a tee shirt with brown shorts and slippers. The man came up to me and brought his hand to my forehead but I flinched because I did not know who he was and my arrogant self does not like contact with poor people.

"How are you feeling" he asked with concern laced In his voice. I was surprised that he was concerned, but then it did not matter to me.

"Who are you and where am I" I asked trying to get up.

"Oh my dear calm down" he said pushing my back to the bed so I was resting my back on the bed post.

"Why exactly should I calm down huh" I tried getting up again and he tried to push me back to the bed but I swatted his hand away.

Then I stood up. My head felt very heavy I held it in between my hands like it would ease the pain but it didn't. I tried walking to the door but after the first step I took I couldn't take the headache anymore.

The man noticed this then he helped me to the bed and I reluctantly followed him.

"Listen I know you are confused but I will explain everything to you once you eat and your headache is subsided a little". The man said trying to convince me.

"Fine" the only reason I agreed was because I was hungry.

"I will go get your food"

The man left the room. I tried resting my head on the pillow for the headache to subside and it did even though it was just a little.

Few moments later the man came in with food on a tray and water and some pills. He put the food on the bed beside me and then he  helped me to sit up so I could eat. I devoured  the food hungrily like I had had not eaten in months.

After eating I took the pills. Then me eyes felt very heavy so I went to sleep. This time when I woke up it was dark outside and my headache had gone, though there was still a tingling sensation that was like if I hit my head on anything the headache would return.

I stood up from the bed with ease this time and was walking carefully like I was carrying books on my head so they won't fall. I saw that I was still in the same clothes as on my birthday. I left the room and found my way to the living room.

The living room had a three  seaters couch at the far end of the room, then a two seaters couch by the right and another to the left.

Then I went towards the front door and went outside I saw the old man in front of a truck....probably his.

The bonnet of the truck was opened and it looked like he was fixing something in it. The colour of the truck was faded if I did  not look closer I would have thought it was colour brown but it was blue. It was an old pick up truck but for some reason I liked it. Probably because of the old school vintage style that it had. I have always been a fan of old school.

The old man was so engrossed in his work that he did not notice me walk towards him. I was looking at what he was doing and I did not understand a single thing. I did not recognise any of the equipment he used apart from the pliers...I mean who doesn't know pliers.

Looking at the old man he looked sad, like he was just living for the fun of it. Even though his demeanor was quite cool but his spirit was down. He was sad and I don't know how I knew this but I knew he needed someone or he missed someone.

I realised that I have been rude to him despite him been kind to me. I have been a jerk and a spoilt brat. I have not even thanked him for saving me, how unreasonable.

After about 6 minutes the man finally noticed me.

"Oh my dear you are awake! How are you feeling?" He asked with so much concern that I was taken aback. The man does not even know me and he is so concerned about me. He is so nice how I wish I was as nice as him. Snapping his fingers and breaking me away from my trail of thought.

"Earth to ummm...."

"Monica. My name is Monica Lee Walter" I don't know why I told him my full name but I still told him and there is no turning back. I feel safe around the man and I have this sense of trust in him that he would never hurt me.

"Monica, that's a very nice name. I asked how you are feeling"

"Thank you. Ohhhhh I am feeling much better now, thanks to you" I said smiling at him.

"That's good to know" he said smiling back.

"Can you please explain to me how you found me?"

"Yeah sure, let me finish up here then we can go inside to talk"


After a few minutes the man finished his work. Then we headed inside.

We both sat down. There was an awkward silence between. I felt that the man did not know how to start. So I decided to break the silence.

"Ummm Sir...." before I could even complete what I had to say the man interrupted me.

"My name is Jesse." He told me. "And please don't call me sir just Jesse is fine" he continued.

"OK Jesse. Can you please tell me how you found me?" I asked eagerly.

"Actually I was out picking herbs and vegetables then I saw you by the river bank. You were unconscious and your head was bleeding and hurt badly." The man said trying to explain

"Did you see any other person there?" I asked hoping that he saw my parents, or my brother.

"No I did not" he said shaking his head.

"What about a car" I asked holding onto a single thread of hope.

"I'm really sorry but I did not see any of car." He said looking at me with pity.

With that been said the single thread of hope that I had snapped. What if I never find my parents.


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