Chapter 3

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Monica's POV

Waking up to the sound of birds chirping and not the voice of my mom feels very weird. I most definitely do not like this feeling.

Normally at this time my mom would be trying her best to get me out of bed. But being the person I am I wouldn't listen , instead I would snuggle deeper into my bed burying my face under my pillow.

During my talk with Jesse yesterday, I found out that we are at the outskirt of the city. It would take a whole 40 minutes before reaching the city. After going back to my room - feels so weird calling it my room when it is not mine.

Anyway, I decided that today I will go to the city to find out what happened to my parents and brother. Jesse might not agree but it really doesn't matter whether he agrees or not, I would still go ahead with my plan of going into the city.

I hear a knock on the door, which brings me out of my trail of thought.

"Who is it" I say before even realizing that just two people are living in this house.
" come in"

Jesse comes in and stands at the edge of the bed and smiles. His smile was very contagious so I also smiled though I hate smiling.

"Good morning Monica" he says still with that big smile.


"I hope you are feeling much better today?" He asks.

"Yes I am" I tell him. "Though my head still feels a little heavy but I can cope" I give him a reassuring smile.

"Okay that's good" he says. "Here are some clothes, freshen up and change, then come out for breakfast. I will set the the table" he finished then smiles again. Then he stand up to go.

Before he opens the door I do something I have never done before, something I have never imagined myself doing in my 18 years of existing.

"Ummmm Jesse" I called out. Then he turned back

"Yes Monica"

"Thank you" as soon as I say that I run into the bathroom so I do not have to hear his reply. Feeling a bit embarrassed that I had to say thank you.

I did my bathroom business, then changed to the clothes Jesse gave me. The clothes were a little big but still comfortable. They were not exactly to my taste but I don't have any other options.

After I was done in the bathroom, I went to the dining room which was right in front of the kitchen. There was a round wooden table surrounded by three wooden chairs. The wood had an antique design on it that spelt out simplicity, though not expensive but at the same time elegant. I am not a big fan of simple things but damn this table has changed my taste...ummm only a little though.

The table was already set for two. The breakfast was not exactly what I usually eat but this will do. It was just pancakes with syrup and orange juice. This made me remember my mum and her cooking and how unappreciative I have been towards her. My eyes became teary but I would not humiliate myself in front of a stranger by crying. I sniffle just a bit before sitting.

"Are u okay?" Jesse asks with concern laced in his voice.

"Hm hm" nodding my head because I know is I talk I might end up crying.

"Just know that if you want to talk I would be right here" he tells me and give squeeze on my hand.


"Okay so time for food" he says "I am sorry if the food isn't like what you eat in your house"

"Ohh no it's cool I should be the one apologizing for inconveniencing you" when did I become so good with words I ask myself.

He smiles. Then he passes me the plate full of pancakes. We eat breakfast in silence for some minutes before I break the silence.

"Umm Jesse"

"Yes" he looks up from his food.

"I have decided to go to the city to look for my parents and brother" I tell him knowing fully well that he might not agree.

"Are u serious" he furrows his brows and looks at me with disbelief. "You are not really feeling well"

"I am fine no need to worry so much" I tell him.

"No you are not" he pauses the take a deep breath.

"Seriously I...." He cuts me off

"Monica you are my responsibility I can't let you go out when you are just recovering"

"Just let me go u can't keep me here against my will". I was already getting agitated and my voice was getting louder.

"Look I am not trying to keep you against your will I am just trying to look out for you..." He tries to reason with me

"No stop I don't want you to look out for me  you are not my dad and besides I am old enough now" having said that I storm out of the house. Jesse calls out to me but I ignore him.

"Monica wait you are not feeling too well" he runs after me then he catches up to me. He hold my hand the turns me around.
"Would  you please listen to me"

"No I don't want to listen to anything" u say almost crying. "Just let me go" I say. My head suddenly starts to pound I feel light like I am about to faint but I fight it and try to keep myself awake.

"Alright then,  you want to go then fine I won't hold you anymore" he tells me then releases my hand.

"Thank you" I sigh. I further smiling to myself that I am going to finally find my parents, but all of a sudden I begin to see black spots and before I know it everything thing goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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