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In the previous episode, Katsumi had just figured out a perfect match for Izuku, Lina her girl best friend, but...


Izuku confronts her and places both her shoulders with his hands. In shock, but also uncertainty, she turns towards him. Then he pulls his head to the fact that his nose touches her. Then he said "You are my type. You are my kind. You are the person I like. You are my crush. You are the one with which I wish to be."

He pulls her closer and their lips intertwine. The promise of years and the tenderness of waiting for true love were in his kiss. Katsumi didn't anticipate it, but she didn't avoid it either. She affirms his affection for it with the love and the passion residing in his heart, kissing him. The coffee's delicious flavour rested on her lips, and he held her by the waist extending the kiss. He pulls back blushing like crazy and apologises:

Izuku: I'm so sorry, I didn't-

Katsumi places her warm hands on his cheeks and lifts his head

Katsumi: I like you too

An exchange of smiles is given before the two of them leave to go to bed. In his bedroom:

Izuku: So you can sleep in my mom's room since she isn't here and umm you can wear this since you forgot to bring PJ

Katsumi: Thank for the close but...*mumble mumble*

Izuku: Could you repeat that? I didn't hear

Katsumi: I want to sl...

Izuku: huh?

Katsumi: I want to sleep with you!

Izuku: y-you want to?! u-uh sure

The both of them get ready. Izuku had left the room to allow Katsumi to have privacy and get dressed. They both are wearing:

 They both are wearing:

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Katsumi smells the shirt and notices it has his signature scent of coffee, she loved it

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Katsumi smells the shirt and notices it has his signature scent of coffee, she loved it. When they're about to head to bed Izuku takes his shirt of, leaving Katsumi flustered.

Katsumi: w-what the hell are you doing? 

She covers her eyes

Izuku: What? I always sleep without a shirt

Katsumi: o-oh, even when there's a girl here?

Izuku: I've never let anyone other than you in here

Katsumi: right...anyways tomorrow lets go to the beach

Izuku: The beach? Sure, why not? I'll invite some friends as well

He says patting her head

Katsumi: okay, well goodnight

Izuku: Goodnight sweetheart

That word made her turn around so fast that she was as redder than the colour red. 

The next day

The next morning, Izuku wakes up first and notices that Katsumi is rested on top of Izuku while on of his hands support her back, at first he gets all flustered but then relaxes as she was still asleep. He manages to slowly slip out of bed and head to the kitchen. There he decides to make a wonderful breakfast for Katsumi. 

Katsumi wake up to the sound of cooking in the kitchen, she gets out of bed and walks towards it, to find a wonderful meal awaiting her. She glances over to see Izuku flipping the last of the pancakes, unaware of her presence. She walk up to him and wraps her arms around his waist, 

Katsumi: Whatcha cooking?

Izuku: Ahh Kachaan!

Katsumi: Kachaan?

Izuku: It's a nickname I thought of, if you don't like it then...

Katsumi: I like it. hmm...then I'll call you Deku then

Izuku: Any particular reason?

Katsumi: Nope

Izuku: ah okay

The day passed and they enjoyed the time at the beach. The caught crabs, played some beach games, ate at the restaurant, had a bonfire party and even watched the sunset. That night was a night to remember, since Izuku had officially asked Katsumi to be his girlfriend. She had passed out in the car so Izuku had to carry her to the bedroom, he obviously didn't change her but just made he more comfortable. After tucking her in he went to the living room so watch some films. Some time during the movie, he received a call from his mom. 

On the call:

"Hi sweetie!"

"Hi mom! How's things going on there"

"Well I'm working on a huge deal but the buyer is really picky, so much work"

"Haha, just don't overwork yourself"

"I wont, but how are things with Katsumi. I assume she's still there, right?"

"Oh yeah, everything's fine...it's just that..."

"What?! Did something happen?"

"Well...me and her are dating now"

"You're what! You scared me for a second, congratulations honey"

"Thanks mom, I knew you'd be okay with it"

"Why wouldn't I? I already see her as a daughter anyways"

"Right...well I have to go now mom, its like midnight here"

"Alright sweetie, see you soon...goodnight"

"Goodnight mom"

*Call ended*

He switches off the TV and walks over to the room. He looks at his phone replaying the conversation he had with his mom in his head before entering the room. He gets ready for bed but walks into the balcony. He sits down and contemplates all that happened the past few days. After a while he goes back inside and gets in bed, he shift closer towards Katsumi, slightly spooning her as he falls asleep.

(Hiya, this is the end of the episode and I'm sorry if this isn't pleasing enough but I'll be sure to continue. I would love to hear any feedback, advice and ideas for the storyline. I hope you enjoy and the likeliness of posting episodes are random but I will continue no matter what unless I lose motivation or run out of storyplots. Anyways have a lovely day or night, wherever you are.) 


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Female Bakugou ~ Dekubaku ~ Celebrity au ~ The search for loveWhere stories live. Discover now