"She missed him..."

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The night of the incident, Y/N came back from the hospital and headed straight to Izuku's dorm. She went up to him and was about to slap him across the face, until she actually saw him. He was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room crying. He wore a grey hoodie and hid his clearly puffed, red and bruised face.

Y/N: "What the hell happened to you?"

This made him flinch, but he soon looked up. He hesitated at first and began stuttering. He was apologising continuously showing his deep regret and how scared he was. She knelt down to him putting a hand on his back.

Y/N: "She's okay. I came back from the hospital, she's just a little tired from stress and should be back by tomorrow evening. They're just doing some check ups "

He gave a sigh relief and apologised again. Y/N was kind of annoyed with his continuous apologising she understood the situation and didn't comment. After he fully calm down, she managed to get him to tell her everything. The small misunderstanding that was going on between them had to be cleared one way or another.

After a few hours, she managed to explain the whole situation to him. How Katsumi didn't cheat on him, proof that it was all forged and that she was really upset that day when he left. He ended up looking worse than he did when she first came. So she made a deal with him.

She told him to go see her tomorrow but he refused because he can't bring himself to see her after what he did. And said. So she told him to write her a letter expressing how he feels, an apology, an explanation and everything he's wanted to tell her ever since he left.... Would then give it to her when she visits her again in the hospital tomorrow. So he did. He spent the whole night writing it with compassion, feelings and a lot of meaning.

The next morning he gave it to her but still refused to go to school. He still felt terrible about what he did and plus his face was currently f*ck*d due to Kirishima being overprotective boyfriend.

So he sort of patched himself up, and tried to fall asleep since he hadn't fallen asleep in a while. You are on the other side of town Katsumi was reading his letter in hospital.

" Dear Kat, The reason why I didn't come to see you today was because I believe that after all the things I said yesterday I didn't wanna make you any more uncomfortable by coming to see you. I wanted to apologise for everything but since I'm not gonna be there, I wrote it on here instead."

For some reason her heart was beating fast at that moment, and she was slightly on edge waiting to see what he was going to say.

"Kat I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything except for one thing. There's one thing that I'm not sorry for, but I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for meeting you. You and me have both experience losing someone we are close to together. And in the heat of the moment I blurted out some words that should never have been said."

She continued to read it

" but I never meant anything. I'm back in middle school I didn't want to break up with you. I was tricked and the fact that I fell for it is even worse. I should've talk to you about it before. How can your own boyfriend believe some random girl in his school over his own girlfriend. Shameless right? But I want you to know one thing, I never forgot you. For the past years, you've always been in my mind. Sometimes I'd accidentally even see your name in front of people I was talking to. I missed you, so much. I wanted to go back..."

She was shocked a little but began tearing up

"I wanted to go back to your hands. They were warm, I longed to relax in them. You were the only person I wanted to spend my life with and I couldn't stop thinking about you. And to be honest I never thought that I could ever miss someone like I missed you. And I still feel the same way. My heart I love you to the deepest of its abilities, no one could ever replace your rightful position in my heart. Even if you're not interested in me anymore I would like to let the truth out. Even if you do, I'm unworthy of your Love for all the things I've done to you. I hurt you more than I hurt myself, and I hate myself for it. Even if hate is a strong word."

At the end of this she was bawling her eyes out while her cheeks were rosy pink colour. She missed him. More than she thought.

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