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***Quick Author's Note***

If you find that you enjoy my chapters, please feel free to vote! :) I will update my story AT LEAST once a week, but I will always try to do more. I work full time, in college part time, along with having a wife and two puppers who take up all my free time. But they're all just gonna have to understand that my readers are just as important. Anyways, I'll stop now, happy reading!


"I'm gonna need you to slow the hell down. NOW!" I scream at my best friend, Rae.

She drowsily glances at me over her shoulder and chuckles heavily. Her entire body is thrown into the laugh, causing her to lose control of the car for a split second. That split second was all I needed to sober me up entirely. Apparently, it wasn't enough for her.

"Holy fuck, did you see that? Did you see how I handled that shit?" she slurs at me and laughs louder, as if that brush with death was a figment of my imagination.

"I knew I should have stayed home. If I survive this shit, I am never getting in a car with your crazy ass again!" I glare at the speedometer, trying to will it down with my eyes. Praying today is the day my telekinetic powers kick in, but alas, the number hikes to 94.

"I didn't think my mom's Chevy could get up there, but holy fuck it is getting up there!" Rae yells out, smashing her big toe on the gas pedal like she's Mrs. SquarePants herself. Pain radiates up my legs as she lets her seat back with a thud.

Now that the forced shots of vodka have cleared from my head, I realize I don't have on a seatbelt. And that this seat actually doesn't have one.

"For Christ's sake, where is your seatbelt?" I ask, hurriedly. "There isn't one on that side, you'll have to scooch girl," she yells at me over the wind from her lowered window.

After struggling for 30 seconds to remove my legs from the entrapment of her seat, I begin scooting on my knees to get to the other side.

"This is a great night man. I don't know why you sittin' in the back, Rev. Acting like I'm driving miss Daisy or some shit."

Cringing slightly at the nickname Rev, I begin to lose my balance, desperately trying to gain my bearings.

"Reverend sit down and put your belt on now! Hurry, I can't fucking see," sounds of squealing tires and high-pitched screams reach my ear drums causing me to lose balance and slam into the back-passenger window. A searing pain shoots from one temple to the other. And not too soon after, I can't feel anything at all.

What feels like an eternity later, I regain feeling within my body and the ringing in my ears stop.

...Sobbing... I hear sobbing. And sirens. What is going on? Why can't I see? I think to myself.

"Can you hear me? Can you feel this?" a man practically yells into my ear, pausing after each question. I try to respond. Try to tell him I'm in pain and I don't know why. I try to do anything, but nothing is working.

"Why aren't you helping her? Help her! I am so sorry River, please forgive me!"

That's Raegan, I think, but why is she in distress? Why is she saying sorry?

"Ma'am get back and get checked out. We need to make sure you're okay. Chan, get her before she hurts herself," a different authoritative voice yells out, sounding more annoyed than the last. What feels like twenty minutes of tussling and struggling grunts later, I feel extreme pressure in my head.

Why does it feel like my brain is on fire? And why am I suddenly overcome by darkness so overwhelming, it feels as though I'll never see light again?

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