"No! God no! I'm not gay." ~ Liam Payne

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I was texting Taleisha on my phone.

Hey bby girl, u wanna go 2 the movies with me 2nite? ice age 4 is on - L 

Hey baby, yeah I'd love to :) Are you coming to get me? - T 

Yeah i will. its 4 now so ill come get you at 5 and we'll go out to dinner & then go c the movie at 7 or 8? theres 1 at 7;50 and one at 10, which 1 do u wanna see? theres that new jack reacher movie out 2. thats on at 8? - L 

Haha, yeah, come get me at 5, dinner at 5:30/6, Ice Age sounds good, but I've really been wanting to see that Jack Reacher one. We can go to either, I don't mind babe. xx :) - T 

ice age it is then ;) i like kids movies k? love you, see you soon gorgeous <3 - L 

Hahaha, okay babe. See you soon, love you too xxxx - T

I never liked texting the way you write an English essay, it never makes sense. If you can say things easier and people understand them, why not? I put my wallet in my back pocket of my dress pants and left the house, putting the keys in ignition. I turned my key as the car purred to life, and I pulled out of the drive way and onto the familiar road. Turning the radio up, I heard one of Justin Bieber's songs, and started singing along.

"There were nights where I was doubting myseellllllffff, but you kept me from fallinggggg!!" I turned it up loud and belted the chorus with all I had.  

"Coz everything starts from something! And something would be nothing! Nothing if your heart didn't dream.. with me... where would I be.... if you didn't believe?" I was pretty sure I'd gotten a couple of words wrong, but hey, I didn't listen to the song too often so I thought I did pretty well. I laughed at myself as I pulled up in front of Taleisha's mansion sized 'house'. I pulled into an empty car spot and turned the car off, which turned the radio off... I frowned. I liked that song. It was "DNA" By Little Mix. I smiled when I honked the horn and Taleisha came racing out to meet me though. She basically launched herself into my arms and knocked us over. The cement driveway wasn't very forgiving on my arms, and I winced in pain before Taleisha's soft pink lips met my rough lips. Our lips moved in perfect sync. Taleisha pulled away too soon and got off me.  

"Hey, I was enjoying that babe," I said with a smile. Taleisha's long, curly, beautiful hair tickled my face, and I sat up, her on my lap. She laughed at me, with a huge grin on her face, and hopped up, pulling me to my feet and dragging me into her house, probably to get her purse or something I assumed.


I heard Liam's car pull up, and my stomach fluttered. Oh what that boy does to me... I put my phone down and ran out to his car, and he saw me and grinned, I realised too late that I couldn't stop, and I bowled the both of us over. We laughed at me and I sat up, my hair still reaching his face, I scowled. Sometimes my hair was so annoying. Deal with it, you're the one who wants it down to your ass... I laughed again, and looked at my perfect boyfriend.  

Maybe we should take our relationship further, I thought to myself. Looking at Liam, I knew I was ready to. I kissed him softly and felt our lips perfectly moulded together. I pulled away from him and got up, pulling him with me. Walking inside, Liam's hand in mine, I picked up my keys, purse and phone. I turned around and saw Liam looking tense and worried.  

"What's up baby?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Liam just shook his head.

"Nothing gorgeous, just excited for dinner..." He replied, and for some reason, I didn't believe him. I narrowed my eyes at him and he looked at the ground at his feet. I decided to go along with it. I grabbed his hand again and skipped out to his car merrily.  

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