"Do I look like I'm from the ghetto?" ~ Taleisha Shepherd

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"She just started crying! I don't know what's wrong with her!" I yelled in a whispered tone at Harry, who apparently seemed like the father of the group lately. All the stress was on him because he was the youngest, yet he felt like the father or mother role. I had problems of my own. The boys and I hadn't moved into the new house yet, and neither had Taleisha. And Taleisha randomly broke down crying today because she loved us all so much. I was really confused, and she wouldn't talk to me, she'd just sit there crying or laughing or something equally weird. 

“Liam, something is wrong with her, you might want to find out what because she’s really upset all the time, and then she’ll be happy and laughing.” Zayn told me softly, but with a stern look. Taleisha walked into the room with her bright blue orbs gazing into mine, bloodshot from crying. Her arms were wrapped around herself as she hugged her jacket to her trembling body. Harry followed with a steaming cup of what I predicted to be hot chocolate. She didn’t drink coffee and she wasn’t too fond of tea. Coming over to sit with me, she dug her face into my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her in a comforting manner. She sniffled and I pulled her close, but not before she pulled away and stood up.

“I have to talk to you, Liam. Alone,” She whispered in my ear, nodding toward the kitchen, I was wary, but I followed. 

“Liam, I really need to tell you something, but I don’t know how you’ll react, or how to say it,” She confessed, and I nodded slowly, readying myself for anything she said. 

“I’m pregnant,” She took in a breath, waiting for my reaction, but I stood there gobsmacked, not knowing what to say. 

“I…” I began, and Taleisha urged me to say more, “Um… You’re sure?” She shook her head, and my eyes widened unintentionally. 

“Why do you think...? That… you’r- you’re… we’re pregnant?” She looked up at me, tears pricking her eyes again. 

“I’m more hormonal than usual, I’ve missed a period, and my next one is due sometime soon. I’ve been throwing up every few mornings; I’m surprised you haven’t heard me. Can you take me to get a test? We’ll get one from the pharmacy first, and if that doesn’t give us the right reading, we’ll go to the GP. Yeah?” She asked me. I nodded, even though my head was still reeling. 

Did she want to keep it? Why didn’t she tell me as soon as she suspected? I was gonna be a daddy?

“Do you want to be a mother?” I asked her quietly, and she looked taken aback. 

“Of course I don’t, but if I’m pregnant, I’m not going to get rid of my baby!” She exclaimed in a sudden outburst.

"Taleisha, I didn't expect you to. I was just asking if you wanted to be a mother. If you're pregnant, we'll figure out where to go from there. I promise I'll look after you, I'm not going anywhere, I love you," A tear dribbled down her cheek as I spoke, and I pulled her in to my chest letting her sob hormonally. 

"Do you want to keep it?" I asked her softly again, she pushed me back and I was shocked, Taleisha was never violent. She looked more shocked than I, though, and I gave her a confused look. 

"Do I look like I'm from the ghetto?" She spat coldly at me. I shook my head instantly. "I don't get rid of things that will soon be my everything." I walked back over to her and grabbed her hand as she turned around and began to walk away. I pulled her hand and she tried to walk away again, but I had a firm grip on her hand, and I wasn't letting go anytime soon. 

"Taleisha, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that if you didn't want to be a mother we could maybe let our parents bring him up, or put him up for adoption?" I offered carefully. 

"Liam James Payne, do you want to be a father?" She asked me, and I was confused, she only ever used my full name if she was angry at me, or if I was in trouble. 

"Yes, I do actually. I didn't want to bring it up because I knew you'd react like this!" I told her in a sour voice, but somehow it still sounded soft. 

"You want a child?" She asked me, dumbstruck. I nodded subtly and she gaped at me. 

"I really do want a baby, and I want one with you." She nodded and smiled in a rather cute manner and she scared me when she launched herself into my arms. 

"I love you Liam, but I'm scared." I nodded as she hugged me tightly, and I felt her smile into my chest. She tipped her head up, her lips meeting mine. I closed my eyes and leaned down to deepen the kiss. She let me in and her soft lips moved gingerly against my rough lips, her tongue massaging mine as I rested my hand on the small of her back and pulled her closer to me. Taleisha's hand came to rest on my cheek as our mouths moulded together, and I heard someone clear their throat. 

"Ahem." We jumped and broke away, looking at Harry, annoyed. 

"What?" I spat at him, not realising how caught up I was with my fiance. Harry looked annoyed too, and I suspected it was to do with us disappearing for an hour, Zayn dealing drugs again, and Louis caught up in University work. 

"We have a major problem... Get your asses out here,"

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