Mr. Beast Has a Shrexy Stalker

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Mr. Beast POV:

I sit on my luxury 9000000000000000000000 dollar yacht, the wind in my hair, when did my lucious locks get so long? My iPhone 69 was blowing up with likes and comments from someone named Shrexy101. They were liking all my posts from the past 17 years. I wonder if he's the man for me? I check out his profile. He is large, with shimmery green skin, wearing an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka-dot bikini. Everything I like in a man -- well, more like ogre.

The last comment that this smoky hottie of an ogre left on my most recent post (which I made 00.1 seconds ago) read, "I am coming to find you, oh flaming hot cheeto of my dreams, I don't have mobile data on my iPod 00.0001, so I will sadly not be able to comment on your glorious posts until we meet in real life, and I can use your hottie 69 hotspot. We will be together at last!!!" my heart beat at 6900000000 miles per hour (not just from the 420 gallons of Monster Ultra I had drunk an hour and nine minutes ago) and I felt my face get all sweaty and red and flustered, not just because of the temprature of the bahamas. He was so romantic. I knew from that moment we were destined to be.

Just then I see a big old-fashioned ship approaching, a short 2'3 girl with long blonde hair in a messy bun, big blue green red brown yellow pink orbs behind thick framed glasses peering through a telescope. Immediately I recognised it as my ex's annoying sidekick, y/n. An then I see him. My evil ex. He looked like the little lad with curly hair and a bit more tan on the skin from being out in the sun on the high seas. He wore a strange sort of explorer/pirate hat that I used to think was attractive. Christopher Columbus.

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