The 'lazy' method

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So i actually created this method by myself by researching a bit and looking on tiktok. If someone else has already made this method, then please tell me so I can give them the credits.

Step one
So first, you have to say out loud, I give my body permission to shift. Or, I give myself permission to shift.
This helps a lot because your giving permission, and your letting your body know that they can shift. Saying this has helped me get most symptoms whilst trying to shift.

Step two
Next, you need to count to calm your mind. Keep counting until you lose track of how many numbers you have counted, and so you'll know your mind is wandering and is calmer.

Step three
If your mind starts wandering, then you can start to focus on you breathing. Count your breaths, imagine your breaths create waves in the ocean, those type of things. My teacher, he has an app called smiling minds, and he uses that for our daily meditation. I never used to like it, but now I appreciate it because I have more knowledge on breathing and meditation, even if it isn't a lot. I have had him twice, once in year 3, and in year five (which is now). I probably won't have him again because my next year is my last and it is already October, but I will probably still remember him. Once your body feels a bit numb, and you start unconsciously counting your breaths while thinking of something else, it's time to move on to the next step.

Step four
This is the last step. Once your done with step three, you can do this step. You start counting and in between numbers, You say things like, I am giving my body permission to shift. Not like I am shifting, not that, But things like ' I give permission to shift '. It should have a meaning. After you count to fifty, just start saying your normal affirmations such as, I am shifting, I have shifted. Like that. Keep saying those types of things until you fall asleep. This is best done if you are really tired, so try staying up past your bedtime so you can sleep quicker. Or just try to use this method when you normally try to shift.

The next chapter will probably be shifting motivations, so if you think up you can't shift, bestie, your soooo wrong.

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