Script for Peter Pan (2003)

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Name: Elizabeth Maya
Nicknames: Ella, Eliza, Beth, May, Ell
Age: 13 (same age as Peter)
Powers: telekinesis
What I look like: Pale, smooth, clear skin, plump red lips, small nose, thick black hair that goes up to my chest area, long lashes, beautiful blue eyes, healthy nails
Personality: sarcastic, humorous, joking, extrovert, funny, smart, loyal, respected, fair
Skills: best swords-woman (almost as good as Peter), skilled with dagger, best singer in the world, good dancer, i can throw a dagger and I never miss the target, when I short a bow I never miss a target
Height: 5'7 (Peter is 5'8)
Love interest: Peter Pan
Backstory: (this was two week before Peter Pan comes to the darling house) I was in a car with my parents when Mr Darlings car crashed into mine. My parents got killed and I suffered amnesia which made me forget my parents and what happened (that's what the doctors think) but I remember all the stories I read. The darlings took me in and nursed me back to health. I stayed with them because Mr darling felt responsible for my parents death even though he wasn't and they had died in the hospital. When Peter Pan comes, he goes to me instead of Wendy, and likes me from when he heard me singing in the kids room. In the room I am sharing with the kids, there is a piano that I use and sing with.

- I have an iPhone that can work in Neverland and never runs out of battery. It also has all recent stuff on it
- I have AirPods that never run out of battery
- I have a purse in which whatever clothes I want I can pull out
- If I want anything, it appears in front of me
- I can't die
- any wound I get heals immediately
- i dont age unless I want to
- 1 hour in my Cr = 2 months in my dr

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