*~Life Story 2.~*

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(A/n: Hi I'm back and this is your outfit for killing so......yeah and you can change the red if you don't like it oh by the way on the heart necklace it says "weirdo" on it

Jeff: you are all weirdo's who are reading this

A/n: Thank you anyway you're weapon is a machete alright let's get started!!!!!)


(Your Pov.)

                You looked into Lizzy's eyes as you saw fear and sadness in them. You whispered slowly into her ear before killing her.

"Goodbye, my friend."

                  You stabbed her on both of her shoulders and on both of her thighs. But she then started to scream so you forcefully opened her mouth you put your foot on her bottom teeth and started to push down on it and broke it off. You then grabbed her tongue and ripped that of as well. You began to jab two fingers into her eyes as you ripped them off and stomped on them.

                     You then ripped off the skin on her torso and started to forcefully rip her organs out in till the they were all out except for her heart and lungs. You broke opened her ribs as you tore off her lungs then grabbed her heart and squished it hard. Blood was everywhere as you laughed and got up you quickly ran out to every room that had a stove as you grabbed some bleach and poured it around the exits and windows along with the vents.

                     You started at the school outside and smiled sickly as you grabbed a lighter and flicked it on as everyone in the windows were pounding on them for you to get them out since you locked at the doors and windows as well. You chucked as you and Violet said the same thing before throwing the lighter.

"Goodbye my friend~."

=:=:=:=:=:= TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY Jeff-fa-fa =:=:=:=:=:=:=

                   You watch the news as you start to sharpen your machete waiting for your family to come back to make them suffer in pain. You chuckle at the thought of them being tortured slowly and-

'hey y/n, just be patient......after all....hehe, it will come true and you can hear their screams of pain, and remember to go along with the plan and if anyone gets in the way.....hehehe....... End them'

                    You chuckle as well from the thought of everyone dying. Right here you're probably curious on what Violet is talkin about? Well after you burned down the school you immediately went to the gas station and got five gallons of fuel and poured them all around your own town and to burn it all to the ground. You mange to start the fire at your house once you light the fire at your house. You even manage to make it seem like a forests fire which you were lucky that you live in the middle of the forest.

'Today in News Today a local public school has been burned down, witnesses say that it was a accidental fire that occurred from regular fire accidents, but police say that it was no accident and that it was done by a murder from recent evidence of three bodies that were disfigured to be even shown here in the News room. And the only evidence of this murder is a wall with a writing that says "Goodbye my friend" written in blood. No one knows right know who their name are for there were no survivors after the building burned down. We'll have more Intel at 11:00 pm. I'm Kathie Banks and this was News Today.'

                     You turned off the T.v when you heard a car pull up on your drive way. You went upstairs to your parents bed room and went behind the door. You heard two people coming up the stairs and walk into their bedroom. You immediately knock out your mom and dad with the back of your machete and dragged them to the bed and started to tie them up. You went to the kitchen and got the hand saw that had been heated up when you got home.

                     But before you could go upstairs you heard a gasp. You turned around and saw your rotten older sister Gwen. You smirked at her as she narrowed her eyebrows at you.

"Hey slut face, why are you smirking? Did you finally got a new cheap ass thong online so that way you can get fucked by some old dude?" She sneered as she walked up to you. 'Bad mistake.'

                  You immediately pinned her to the wall with her back facing you as her hands were pinned above her head. You started to stab her in the back with the machete many times making sure not to hit her spine. She was screaming in agony but was still alive. You grabbed to saw and started to cut her spine in half as her screams died down. You started to laugh insanely as you started to walk up stairs to finish the job.

                   As you opened your parents bedroom door you saw that they were awake. You chucked as they turned their heads to you with fear and horror in their eyes as they saw you nearly covered in blood. You grabbed to saw and started to cut off all th their limbs off. They were barely alive and were hardly able to move. You backed up and looked at your master piece. You grabbed a match that was inside your boot and light it up. You chuckled again as you through it on the bed.

"Goodbye, my friend"


(A/n: Don't worry the creepypasta are almost in this book just probably two or one chapters left till they're in this story I just want to explain your story so that way I don't have to do it in the middle of this story but don't worry about me updating late because I go to online school so-

BEN: do you ever shut up?

-sarus-night-killer-: do you ever quit jacking off to playboy?

Jeff: OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! BURRRRRRRRRRRRRN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jeff: WHY YOU LITTLE-!?!?!?!?!?!

-sarus-night-killer-: GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS You're both Fugly now shut your ass up!!!!!!!!

A/n: bye bye

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