Third Person & Sophie

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Fitz Vacker stormed through the halls of Foxfire Academy, his steps echoing with a fury that matched the storm raging within him

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Fitz Vacker stormed through the halls of Foxfire Academy, his steps echoing with a fury that matched the storm raging within him. Rumors had been swirling for days, whispers that he had refused to entertain—until now. He had caught a glimpse, a fleeting moment between Sophie and Keefe that shattered his resolve.

In the privacy of his room, Fitz clenched his fists, his jaw tight with anger. How could Sophie have moved on so quickly? How could she have chosen Keefe, of all people? The questions tormented him, stirring a tumultuous mix of jealousy and betrayal that he struggled to contain.

He paced the room, images of Sophie's smile and Keefe's laughter taunting him relentlessly. They had been his closest friends, his confidants, and now, they were together—a reality that twisted the knife of jealousy deeper into his heart.

Memories of shared moments with Sophie flooded his mind—their adventures, their laughter, the unspoken connection that had always simmered beneath the surface. He had never found the courage to tell her how he felt, always believing that their bond was stronger than any romantic entanglement.

But now, seeing Sophie and Keefe together, Fitz couldn't deny the pang of longing that gripped his chest. He had lost her—lost her to someone who had always been there, who seemed to understand her in a way he never could.

Outside his window, the sky darkened with a storm brewing on the horizon—a perfect reflection of Fitz's turbulent emotions. He wanted to lash out, to confront Sophie and Keefe, to demand answers that might never assuage the ache in his heart.

Instead, he clenched his jaw tighter, swallowing the bitter taste of jealousy and pride. He couldn't blame Sophie for her feelings, nor Keefe for reciprocating them. They were both his friends, after all—people he cared about deeply, despite the bitter twist of envy that threatened to consume him.

Taking a deep breath, Fitz forced himself to face the reality before him. Sophie had chosen Keefe, and no amount of anger or jealousy would change that. The storm within him raged on, but beneath the tumult, a flicker of resignation took hold—a painful acceptance that sometimes, even the strongest bonds could be shattered by the unpredictable whims of the heart.

Fitz's rage was loud

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Fitz's rage was loud. And not in the sense that I could hear his shouts and glass crashing against walls. But loud in the way that I couldn't hear anything. In the calm silence of a hurricane as you stood in the eye of it, only for moments. But, that moment was now over as I finally heard a loud bang as he slammed his door shut, rounded the corner, and grabbed water all with his hands balled in such tight fists the glass in his hand cracked. I winced and looked away, not ready for another one of his screaming attacks. 

I had enough of those back when Alden's mind was broken. But, again, his anger was a different kind out loud as he stalked away to his room, jaw tight, fists clenched, and cracked glass in hand. 

God, I could only hope that Monday at Goode would be better than whatever this was.

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