Mine (Smut/fem Y/n)

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This is another request from one of my friends irl (yep that same friend)
Anyways I hope you enjoy <3
Also slendy is yandere, soooooo do what you will with that info.

(TW: Smut, yandere, probably gonna be kinky)


Slenderman POV:

Why do humans have to be so complicated, there is this one girl that keeps coming into my woods. MY WOODS, I'm gonna be honest I wouldn't have a problem with it. If she wasn't so goddamn cute, god the things I would do to see her under me, hearing her voice moan my name. There's one problem, every time she would come into my woods, she brings a new partner. She probably brings a new one everytime because I kill them when she leaves, I mean yeah I kill people when they come into my woods but I will never kill her. I love her so fucking much, I'm not one for cursing but I'll curse any day just for her.

I've been starting to hear people talk about the "murder of the woods." I do enjoy the nickname to be honest. I saw her walk into the woods again, same time, same place, with a new partner. All I can do is stare at her from afar, if I wanted to I could stand there like a tree since these woods are so thick. I was listening to there conversation for once, and now I know that she wants to know who I am. I feel my pants get a little tight around my crouch.

"Y/n, I don't know why your so fuckin invested in this stupid killer. HE👏IS👏 A👏KILLER."

"Oh bump off man, I think it's fascinating plus what if they're hot"

"Oh my god, no- I may be your best friend, but that does not mean I'll try to hunt this bitch down"

"BOOO, your no fun"

"Well I'm gonna head out, I'm getting cold, see ya!"


So that's not her partner, that's her best friend. Now I can't kill them, maybe I can put one of my notes up so that she can find my mansion. Maybe I could actually talk to her for the first time.

No ones POV:

After Y/ns friend left, she pulled out her phone and just started scrolling through random shit. She continued to scroll until she heard something in behind a tree. As she was staring at this one tree, she started to see a pale hand loop around the tree and drop something. She then heard the sound of foot steps walking away, after she couldn't hear the foot steps anymore, she stood up to look at the paper this mystery person dropped. She picked it up and examined it, it said to find and follow the pages. She immediately got excited and walked around the tree to see a few more pages.

They were about 5 yards away from each other. After about 30 minutes of walking she found this mansion, she didn't know what to do so she walked up to it and knocked on the door. No one answered, she knocked again and the same thing happened. She grabbed the door handle and turned it to see if it was unlocked, and it was. She slowly opened to door to smell... Vanilla, who ever owned this house knows what smells good. She walked into this beautiful house, all she could do is admire it. After a few moments of her looking at the decor, slenderman walked into the room with a towel being the only thing to cover him up. When he walked in Y/n didn't notice him, she noticed him when he placed his glass down on a table. When Y/n saw him, she jumped back from the sudden noise and how he looked. She didn't think he looked scary, just different with his toned body, and the height that anyone would be surprised about. (Btw he's like 6'7 or sum)

The only thing that surprised her was his face, he didn't have a face. His "mouth" almost looked like skin the had been stretch to the point of ripping. But it would go back as if it was nothing. She didn't know what to do, she did technically brake into his house. But he was also half naked and he looked really hot in Y/ns opinion.
(Btw slendy has like a British accent, just to make this better for all of you weird simps)

Slenderman x Reader (Smut, fluff, possible angst) Where stories live. Discover now