Murderer (Smut/Masc Y/n)

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Heyyyyyyy... I know it's been like, 8 months or something. But I'm backkkkkkkk :DDD. Sorry I was gone for so long, a lot has been going on in my life and I just haven't had the time to actually think of something to write then actually write it soooo this bitch might be sloppy lmao. Anyways, enjoy this shit show.
Btw the picture that I used is mainly what slendy is wearing.
Also, in this story, he is able to extend any of his body parts to be any length. How his face is in this story, is like indents, but he has an actual mouth. Mans got chompers.

(TW: ACTUAL MURDER, SMUT 😼, swearing, stalker shit, slight public stuff, and that's probably it 👀)
Also this is not proof read sooooo sorry if it's ass lmao

3rd person POV:
It was just a normal day for Y/n and his best friend Michael. Both of them doing their classes and talking shit on people they don't like. In Y/n and Michaels small friend group, there is a guy names Lars. Lars has had the fattest crush on Y/n ever since high school. Y/n knows about the crush, but just doesn't feel the same. One day while the 3 of them were eating lunch on campus, Y/n notices a figure in the woods. He can't really tell what it is from the distance they were at, but before he could stare any longer Lars interrupted his thought.

"Hey Y/n? You good mate?" He said while snapping his fingers.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine, what were we talking about?"

"Oh, we were just talking about the project for English." Michael said while stuffing his face with Welch's Fruit Snacks (not sponsored)

"The one that's due in 2 weeks?"

"Yeah, actually I wanted to ask you guys if you guys wanted to do it together. I mean Ms.TeacherLady said we could do it in groups." Lars said with a smile.

"I'm down, I just don't wanna do all of the work by myself. What about you Y/n"

"Sure, let me just make sure I don't have plans then we can meet up at someone's place."

They all agreed, and continued to eat. Y/n forgot about the figure in the woods, he played it off as just his eyes tricking him. He was pretty hungry after all. The day continued like normal. The 3 of them doing their classes, and the random texts in the group chat that Y/n didn't care for. By the end of the day, they decided to meet up after there classes to figure what to do for the project. They all met up outside of their university, they still needed to decide on who's house they were gonna go to.

"So, who's house are we going to?" Asked Michael while walking to their cars.

"I don't recommend mine, it's a mess and I don't have any snacks." Y/n lied, they knew that Michael knows where they live. But he didn't want Lars knowing, his gut told him to let Lars know.

"We can go to mine, I have a shut ton of snacks. Plus we can play something if we need a break." Lars said.

Y/n and Michael both agreed to it, they we then on the way to Lars's house.

Time skip to Lars's place😌✋🏽✨

Once they get out of their cars, they start heading towards the door. While also carrying their bags with all for the stuff that why will need. Lars opened the door and held it open for the other two men.

"Thank you sir" Michael said in a mock british accent and bowing. Y/n doing and saying the same.

"Anyways, you guys get comfortable. Also grab your shit, I'll grab some snacks and beverages. Do you guys what anything other then water?" Lars asked while taking off his shoes.

Slenderman x Reader (Smut, fluff, possible angst) Where stories live. Discover now