Poor Me

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I shouldn't be here. How is the system this corrupt. More and more of us are being celled up waiting for our death. Our crimes don't match the punishment, but when one man is judge and jury we never stood a chance. This feels like a dystopian future where people are locked up and automatically deemed mentally unstable for petty crimes. But this isn't a dreadful future, instead a terrifying present. They get us on misdemeanors then their doctor deems us unfit for society. Maybe we are misfits, but from what I can tell most of us are misfits of sound mind. I just don't have anyone to vouch for me. I lost that a long time ago. Some of us end up getting a second chance, mostly the younger ones. They have families that fight for appeals. The others are the ones that are looked on with hope, and pity. Me? They don't even look. Visitors and guards walk past avoiding eye contact, knowing my days are numbered. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and I am the grayest guy left in here. So, for some of us there is a chance but for me.. I know there's no one coming to get me out. No tears will be wasted when the needle goes into my arm. I'll die in an empty room, just me and the vet.

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