A Matter of Perception

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I fumed, pushing myself off my throne of bones.

Enraged, as usual, I left my seat of power, and walked out into my kingdom.

Immediately, the screams of a million damned souls assailed my ears. Their torment gave me small pleasure.

I walked, catching the gaze of powerful beings. The demons, Lords of Hell in their own right, still cowered before me. Afraid, terrified, even they drew away when I looked towards them.

I strolled to the edge of a cliff, overlook a giant lake of fire. I watched them, souls cast into the pit, writhing in eternal flame.

I knew how they felt. I was damned just like they were.

Oh, I still had power immeasurable. But not as much as Him. I looked to the sky, or where the sky would be if it wasn't just blackness as far as I could see.

When He cast me out, sending me hurtling into the abyss with those that stood by my side, I swore revenge.

The Master of Hell is very patient, after all.

Even now, I poison His precious Earth, sowing resentment and despair. I whisper in the ears of any who would listen, trying to grow my followers and increase my power.

Not even all those that dwell in Heaven are truly loyal to Him after all.

Eons ago, when the civil war in Heaven began, it tore the celestial kingdom apart. Like the wars on Earth, it had an emotional toll as well as a physical one.

God the Almighty, and his most Blessed Angel Lucifer, at each others throats. As the rebellion spread, angels turned on each other, brother against brother.

It was brutal, it was horrible, but in the end, the losing side was cast out, just as spelled out in your Bible. It's all true. From a 'certain point of view'.

I allowed a small smile to cross my face.

He thought He knew better than me. How humanity should be treated. We had always had differences of opinion on it.

That was the "main contention" of the War.

The Almighy God believed humans were the greatest of his children, and should be treated as such. Blessings should be heaped upon them. They were the true "pinnacle of creation."

The other side disagreed, violently.

But now, I look at the state of Earth, and I see how things have gone since the rebellion. The chaos. The death. The tragedies. So far removed from what the Creator's image of them was. They really could be wretched beings.

I strolled back to my throne room, taking my seat once again.

I shook my head. Humans find it harder and harder to believe in God. They ask how He can allow horrible things to happen. Why He won't answer prayers. Why He lets children die.

Because I can't answer prayers trapped down here.

I leave you with two thoughts:

History is written by the victors.

Lucifer truly deserves the title "Father of Lies"

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