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Perfect communities don't exist. Sometimes it's hard to admit to ourselves that no one is perfect. That when you find the place that seems to be perfect, it's really just a lie to cover up the real truth. The city in the rocks is an excellent example. Even if you ask the people who live in the town they'd say, "This city is a miracle. In the middle of the dessert, it's amazing how life could exist without plumbing, electricity, or any of the modern day things that all of us humans are now dependent. However, without all of this, we have developed a kind community. No one got into physical fights, bullied one another, and never tried to bring pain to others. Class systems simply didn't exist, you were neither poor nor rich, you were equil with everyone. People were allowed to leave, but why would you. Jobs? Why if you asked someone there what job they had they would look at you like you were crazy. They had hobbies instead. It was the perfect city. The perfect city in the rocks. Why would you want anything more?"

They have told this lie so much, they now believe it. For most of them this might be true, but there is always the underline that exist. New York City is a dream destination, and yet it is filled with crime and incredibly rude people. The city in the rocks hides its own secrets. The people live in fear of it being found out, so they tell their numbers the lie. Kids who live here are caught in the middle. As it is with every fake perfect community, there is a time when it falls. Death and murders had broken out across the city like the plague. It was no longer safe for anyone to live there.

The ones outside the city agreed it would be for the best. No one shall serve. The city would be cleansed until new people could be found to live there. A terrible storm racked the city, by the morning nothing was left, but the remains of crumbling buildings. The bodies of the dead were moved. Soon it would be time to get rid of all remanie scraps and rebuild the area. They left satisfied, and with plans in there mine.

What they didn't know was that several feet below two girls lay together fast asleep. They never realized a boy long ways away was returning home, joyous over the prospect of seeing his family soon. Plans of elimination never worked perfectly, just as cities never did either.

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