Idiot Roomate

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A kindred spirit.

The embodiment of your exact other half. 

A being that matched perfectly with you, no matter the faults that existed. 

A soulmate. 

Since time had begun, soulmates had walked the earth with marks tattooed on their skin. An Imperfection that stained a part of their surface like a birthmark. It would always vary in color with its counterpart, never the same, but always mirrored when it came to shape or design. 

Everyone had one.

Whether they were born with it or had it burned into their skin at a young age of an infant. It was there for your entire life. Never leaving. It was uncommon for it to show it's embroidery later in life to really cause any known disturbance but sometimes that was the case. Mates could share an obvious age gap and it was told that the oldest went through hell as a child because of it. 

A later in life love symbol supposably felt like you were being branded by a hot prode. 

Which was kinda understandable considering how important it was. A permanent reminder that you weren't alone was not something light. It meant someone loved you. It would eventually be the key to your entire life and world. Marked ones were what people waited for 

Most of the time... 

Rejection of a soul twin existed as well. A person could easily choose not to want you and be on their own, love someone else's destiny instead of what they were given by the universe. 

It was messed up, but it happened. 

Thankfully, not often. 

Rejections were also painful. Like having your heart ripped out repeatedly. Especially if the other marked being isn't told. Rejections are always supposed to be upfront and agreed upon, otherwise pain would ensue strongly, almost landing the person on their back for days. 

It physically caused damage.

So, most mates made sure to be upfront. To be honest as they should with their universe tie.  
It was the humane thing to do. 

It was what he should have done....but he didn't.    

Keith Kogane was an idiot, and he would admit to it as many times as he had to.. 

As long as she knew he meant it.

She was all that mattered.

"Yo, Pidgey!" A tan colored folder landed directly in front of a reddish- brunette's face. Amber eyes looked up in curiosity at the pink scrubbed nurse that plopped down in a computer chair on the other side of the front desk. "You've got a sprained wrist in room 308."

Petite fingers pinched the bridge of a small and freckled nose, "I thought the nose bleed guy was my last patient?" Pidge asked with a tired sigh. She had been busting her ass the last eight hours. Was she ever going to get home?

"Sorry. He swooped in before I could switch the shifts. You didn't clock out at the right time." 

"Is he annoying?" Only dum dums that fractured their wrist past midnight, were stupid college kids that had nothing to do but party all night. She hated those patients. They were always so snobby and mean. Constantly picking at her for her short stature, asking if she was a child doctor like Doogie Howser. 

She was pleasantly surprised they even knew who that was, honestly.  

Nyma smiled innocently, "And drunk." The brunette groaned. "But on the bright side, he's cute. That makes it a little more worth it, doesn't it?"     

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