Haibara Yuuya x reader:part 4

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-(F/n)'s P.O.V-

"stop it...." I said as the continues poking to me stopped....poke....poke....ugh...why can't it just stop already...it's so annoying...no choice...I sat up and scratch my forehead...I was dizzy...from last night I slept wait...eh?what time did I sleep yesterday?ugh...who cares...the only thing now is that the poking stopped and I felt someone looking a me...I look up to see Yuuya looking at me with an innocent look
"what?" I said "you've been sleeping long...if you sleep more we're going to be late at school" he said
"what?school starts at 10:00 why do you woke me up?" I asked and he sighs...
"it's already 9:00 and we missed the LBX practice" he said....the hell....NO WAY IN HELL!!!!...with that I run to the bathroom and get myself ready...

-Yuuya's P.O.V-

I sigh...she sleeps long that she didn't notice it's already 9:00...she's been sleeping so deep that she didn't notice I was poking her earlier than what she thought...seriously?...wait...she doesn't remember yesterday?...good thing..phew!...

-Time skip in the T.S-

-(F/n)'s P.O.V-

I was walking with Yuuya beside me but only a few inches at the back...he's shivering...nervous that he will see those boys yesterday...
"you don't need to worry Yuuya-kun...if ever those three boys tried to do the same thing I'll definitely kill them for that" I said and he just nodded still nervous about seeing them...I sigh and continued on walking...when we entered the room, I immediately caught sights of the three boys yesterday...they're looking at us...suddenly one of them approach us and stood in front of us...
"what?" I said and he just stood in front staring at me directly in my (e/c) orbs...
"I challenge you..." he said staring at me...
"on what?" I asked confused looking at him raising one eyebrow...
"LBX battle...you and your newbie friend here...two on two..." he said raising his LBX with a sniper with a wolf and a big wing with two horns like a devil stature.... an Wolframite...tch..weak one...don't he know how to pick a good one coz I think he never knows how....tch...
"hm..." I hummed thinking then look at Yuuya...he was looking at me with an innocent look waiting for my decision....
"what?" I asked him... "you decide since he was the one who asked you" he said and smiled...I nodded and look back at the guy...
"fine..tch..." I said and he smirked...tch... "better get yourselves ready newbie" he said to Yuuya....ah...so that's why he's doing this...to get revenge on him...I got to the side and fix my LBX and Yuuya did the same...
when were about to enter the stage Yuuya suddenly grabbed my hand and I look back at him with an innocent look...
"what?" I asked...am I being too fond of using the word 'what'?...
"you sure about this?" he asked and I nodded "if he asked for a challenge well...I'm good with it...the question is...are YOU sure about this" I ask him back
"maybe..." he answered and let go of my hand..we entered the small stage and I immediately put my LBX ready
"let the game begins (f/n) and newbie!" the guy said and I rolled my eyes...
"how can I tell you that he has a name baka...his name is Haibara Yuuya ok...so ever you use the name newbie I'll kill you" I said and he shivered but got his normal posture back and smirked...he has one guy siding to him because this battle is Two on Two...


-Third Persons P.O.V-

"Battle start" the mentor said
"(LBX/n)!" you called its name and it entered the small box "Fenrir!" Yuuya said and his LBX entered the small bow...
"Wolframite!" the guy said and another Wolframite entered... 'oh...so their LBX's are just the same...tch..too weak' you thought.... 'Wolframite has an infinity sight which enables it to move freely on gasses or in a foggy place...the ring on its back made it enable to know if there is an enemy behind...the wings can be use in defense since it is made of hard metal...its sniper is too long to be able to shoot in a close up battle...after all long guns are used in a long distance battle...so unfortunately for him Fenrir is the same...but in other ways Fenrir can be use in a close up battle...Fenrir has two type of gun...a sniper and a pistol...I might need to use but in this battle is two on two so I can't really move freely...' Yuuya thought and look at you...you look at Yuuya who is looking at you
"I'll go for the big guy here" you said and he nodded...Yuuya chase for the other guy but the guy in the front block his way but unfortunately for him you were already at Yuuya's back so you immediately run to the guy and stop him for blocking Yuuya....
"tch you brat...you'll pay for that" he said and you just shrugged and slash the foot of his LBX which made it fall to the ground...
"teme!(you!)" he said madly and you smirked... 'the plan is making you unable to walk while Yuuya deal with the other one making you helpless...if I finish you in a early time I would join Yuuya with the other guy..too easy' you thought smirking darkly

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