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I think we are back in time...“ Ohh so we are on time that why grandpa qiren is not angry” , said Jingyi didn't knew what Sizhui exactly wants to say. “Are you really the great Zewujun's son? ”,asked zizhen. “What do you mean ?”, asked Jingyi getting offended. “Wait , a- yuan do you mean we time travel back in past when our parents came to gusu for studying??”, asked Jin ling really getting what actually Sizhui mean. Yes, exactly said Sizhui with a nod .“Whattttt the hellll iss goi..ng on ?”, trembled Jingyi finally using his brain.

“But how did you came to that conclusion and how we ended up here? ”,asked Jingyi still not believing. “This is all because of that ‘random array formation of a mental’, ” said zizhen mockingly.“ Yes, as for the prove... I can see aunt wen Qing and uncle wen Ning ”said Sizhui with his eyes beaming with tears. A-niang muttered Jin ling under his breath looking at the young maiden in Jiang Sect robes standing near Jiang Cheng. Sizhui hold Jin ling hand and give him an assuring smile like saying I'm with you.... “What is he really the ghost general he looks really handsome isn't? ”,said Jingyi breaking the emotional environment.

“Hey , you all young masters can you please tell us who you are and what are you doing here?”, asked Zewujun's with a bright smile. “Oh no.. we can't say them that we are from future otherwise they will think we are mental or maybe think that we are assassin said”, Sizhui.“ How can they say like that ??We are their son's as well as the future Sect Leader's ”,said Jin ling crossing his arms.“ But, how will we make them believe us ?”, asked zizhen gulping in panick.“ Let me show them my baba's sword”, said Jin ling . “But we have to take it as slow as possible because I don't think grandpa qiren can take all this together” ,said Sizhui looking at how furious was his grandpa was looking at them. They all nodded and turned and stands in a straight line.

Sizhui cames in front and bow respectfully,“ we are extremely sorry for neglecting your word before, unc.. young master lan, ”said Sizhui with a discomfort because he had the habit to call him uncle. Zewujun smiles and nod . How polite! he thought. “Can you all tell us what are you doing in the middle of my class and why did you call me grandpa? ”,asked lan qiren stroking his beard.“ Yes , but we would like to show you something first... ” said Sizhui and looked at Jin ling . Jin ling nods and comes in front and stand besides Sizhui to take out
his suihua to show everyone. But when he tries to do that suddenly a familiar sword is unsheath and now Jin ling was held on it's edge. A-die/shushu said Sizhui and Jingyi together. Everyone was shocked as hell the one who was pointing his swords towards Jin ling was glaring at both Sizhui and Jingyi but was confused and shocked as well.“ Okay this wasn't in the plan whatever let's enjoy the drama,” thought zizhen getting excited. “What rubbish are you both speaking? ”,screamed lan qiren coughing hard.“ Screaming and making noise are prohibited in cloud recesses grandmaster lan you should write all the rules at least 10 times”, said Jingyi.“ Hahahaha, lan zhan you have a son !!you didn't gave me invitation of your wedding ”,said wei wuxian holding his stomach which was hurting by laughing . Now wangji shift his gaze , he was glaring at wei wuxian while sheathing bichen.

Jin ling finally relax after bichen was down . He was furious because without any reason he was held at the sword point. “Have you lost your mind second young master lan?? You are pointing sword at the future Sect Leader of Jin clan ”, said Jin ling fully offended by the act. “Future Sect Leader of Jin clan ? Hah! how outrageous !!”,said a boy with a vermilion on his forehead. “Who are you to speak with me like that?”, asked Jin ling without noticing him .“ Hah! You say you are future Sect Leader of Jin clan and you don't even know me?”, said the yellow- gold dressed man . “Is there any need to know you? who are you? God?”, said Jin ling still didn't look at him clearly. Wei wuxian and Jiang Cheng were laughing ,“ finally there is someone as arrogant as Jin zixuan. Serves him right... ”,exclaimed wei wuxian wiping his tears cause of laughter.
“You.... I am Jin zixuan the only legitimate son of Sect Leader of Jin clan , Jin guangshan”, screamed Jin zixuan in anger.“ Screaming is prohibited!!! ”,Screamed lan qiren. “I thought it is going to be tensed but it is fun man!! ”,thought zizhen controlling his laugh. Jin zixuan... mutter Jin ling and stare at the person in front, a- die he said tears urging to fall down from his eyes . What !! all the student screamed together. Jin zixuan was shocked whereas Jiang brothers were looking at Jin zixuan with furious eyes. Jiang yanli still trying to process what Jin ling said, tear's were falling down from her eyes.“ YOU PEACOCK HOW DARE YOU TO BETRAY MY SHEJIE ,..” screamed wei wuxian in aggression. “Noise is prohibited!!!”, screamed lan qiren coughing very badly.

“What are you saying ? I don't have any son nor I betrayed your SHEJIE ,if you don't believe me you can break the engagement I don't give a damn”, said Jin zixuan still not over from shock. “Okay now this is getting complicated!! ”,exclaimed zizhen. “Please everyone, please sit down and first of all calm down”, said Sizhui with an apologetic smile. Everyone sit silently on their own place , many were shocked, many were relieved that they are free today from lan qiren class and many were waiting for the upcoming drama.

All the four together bowed , Sizhui starts, “we all know you have many questions and we will answer them...” “Okay then tell us why are you all telling lies”, said Jin zixuan cutting Sizhui.“ Aiyya young master Jin, you should not cut Sizhui in middle let him finish first and we are not telling lies because it is prohibited in cloud recesses”, exclaimed Jingyi getting exhausted with the drama. He added ,“Jin ling , now I understand why you are so arrogant because your father is more arrogant than you” . “You !! At least I am like my father. But you who can say that you are son of the great zewujun! ”,said Jin ling getting offended. Now, everyone was shocked as hell . Lan qiren was now spitting blood by coughing.“Wait, why I am getting involved in your conversation ?”, asked zewujun with a confused smile. “Let us clear our self first . You all are just bombarding us with the questions. The thing is simple that we four are from future and we accidentally came here and none of us is telling lies . Young master lan is father of Jingyi, second young master lan is father of Sizhui while young master Jin is father of Jin ling” . said zizhen pointing at every one whose name he called. “Now every one expression is priceless.” thought zizhen.


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And please comment because I don't know how you feel after reading my story . I hope it not boring though.

Thank you for reading this.....☺️

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