Chapter 10

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Wei Wuxian got off the taxi, while Lan Wanji was paying the taxi driver. They got up the big stair to a ship on shore. They have stores and people selling treats, toys, balloons, glow sticks.
People watching the ocean waves.
They passed a bar to get a few cups of wine Lan Wanji spending his money on Wei Ying like a father spoiling his kid for toys and treats.
Once they got to a big stand
Wei Wuxian looked at the chocked board
" A Wine contest who ever drinks that can handle the most cups can get a free
Emperor Smile plushie and no kids allow" he said reading the chock board.
" That is a easy bet. Lan Zhan ! Do want to play? " he asked his boyfriend who was nodding a ' yes ' they sat on empty seats with the rest of the participants.
A Man came out a tint with a bunch men and women clapping and cheering.
The man bowed
" Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Wine contest where these participants and count of how much cups they can take, until you are fully drunk! "
Group of waiters settle one bottle of wine.
" Who is ready !!!! "
The crowd cheered.
They participants started drinking cups, but Lan Wanji was the first one to be knocked out by the drink.
Wei Wuxian continued drinking cups while, trying to wake up Lan Zhan.
' Wow ! no wonder the Lan Family can't handle alcohol' Wei Ying thought sipping another cup from the next bottle.
Than after a few minutes they Lan Wanji continued drinking and drinking cup by cup, until he passed out again.
The crowd continued clapping in cheering at Wei Wuxian leaving him to be the one to win.
" Ladies and Gentle looks like we got a winner " the man said lifting Wei Wuxian wrist up for the crowd cheering
" What is your name handsome young man ? " the speaker said handing the microphone to Wei Ying.
" My name is- Lan Zhan! " he was interrupted by Lan Wanji who was taking his wrist and was pulled him close with the plush of the Emperor Smile, and Lan Wanji dragged him to the taxi into the hotel room tied up by his scarf. No one was in there bedroom, and threw on the bed.
" Lan Zhan! " he yelled Lan Wanji wrapped his mouth up with his scarf.
" No yelling in the Lan Household " Lan Wanji said his entire face was very red he have hiccups every single minutes. He passed, but this time he hugged Wei Wuxian right silently snoring.
Wei Wuxian hugged him back than took the scarf off his fist and mouth. He stood up from the coach that can turn to a bed. He went to the counter across for where Lan Zhan was sleeping to get a a big bottle of water with a cup he slowly slide the water to Lan Wanji mouth to prevent him from waking up.
After a few cups his hiccups stopped he settle next to him hugging Wei Ying, kissed his cheek
" Goodnight Lan Zhan " he whispered in his ear, and slept on a beautiful night.

Mocha ( it Author but I am putting nickname )
: Hi ! every one I hope is having a great day or night here is new episode I hope you enjoy !

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