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The next day Rafel came earlier and was dealing with the case stuffs. Luna entered the bureau, greeted everyone and moved to Rafel's workplace.

Luna: good morning.

Rafel: good morning.

Luna: have you done with your work?

Rafel: yes ma'am.

Luna: so, we have to get back in the case.

Rafel: yeah sure.

Luna: I have tried to fix an appointment with Mr. Lee, but he has immediately rejected it.

Rafel: but why?

Luna: the Supervisor said that he was busy in a project but still I need meet him.

Rafel: I think we can get it in other ways.

Luna: yeah, try to get an appointment in any way.

Rafel: okay ma'am sure.

Rafel moved out of the bureau....
After a while Rafel rushed inside Luna's cabin.

Luna: what happened?

Rafel: I ran over here.

Luna: okay, sit down and have some water.

Rafel: okay.

Rafel sat on the chair had plenty of water and took a deep breath.

Luna: okay now.

Rafel: yeah.

Luna: tell me now

Rafel: ma'am do you remember Tia?

Luna: yeah Icety's office friend.

Rafel: I met her today I requested her to fix an appointment with Mr. Lee and you know what she said

Luna: what ?

Rafel: she told.....

Tia: sir I will give you his contact details and you can make a direct appointment with him.

Rafel: we tried a lot of times but the request was immediately rejected.

Tia: what? But he never does that.

Rafel: maybe he was the busy in the project.

Tia: what project?

Rafel: the upcoming project.

Tia: no sir I don't think there is any project.

Rafel: but your Supervisor said that Mr. Lee was working in a project.

Tia: sir I think you misunderstood there is no project that we were working on.

Rafel: maybe the Korean branch alone would be working.

Tia: sir the Korean and Indian branch are interconnected every project whether in the Korea or India both branch works on it to develop the game over both countries

Rafel: then why have he rejected the appointment

Tia: no idea sir but he never did that

Rafel: can you do me a help

Tia: yeah

Rafel: can send personal mail Mr. Lee

Tia: yeah but...

Rafel: just do it I will make sure you won't get any trouble.

Tia: hmm....okay.

Tia opened her laptop and started to send mail to Mr. Lee.

Tia: sir are you free now?

Lee: yeah

Tia: sorry to disturb you

Lee: tell me what?

Tia: sir I just want to tell you my idea of a new game

Lee: yeah but not now

Tia: sir can we fix an appointment later when you are free

Lee: okay

Tia: thank you sir when is the appointment

Lee: next month first Sunday

Tia: okay sir thank you sir......

Luna (in a frustrated tone): so the supervisor lied to us!

Rafel: yeah

Luna: they are pretending

Rafel: but why?

Luna: the must have a link with Icety's disappearance

Rafel: how could you say that

Luna: at first why should he start an Indian branch without any possibilities second he has transferred Icety immediately after commencing an Indian branch, and he had not shared any information regarding her transfer third no new employees were joined from India some Indians working here was working in Korean branch fourth he has constantly sent job offers to Icety she had not replied it, and he started to send personal mails to her fifth the Supervisor have lied to us the CEO he has rejected our mails and accepted Tia's mail these all are a strong cause of doubt on him

Rafel: hmm

Luna: so the appointment is fixed right

Rafel: yes ma'am

Luna: he has to answer our questions

Rafel: this is really tricky

Luna: hmm

Rafel: okay I am moving now

Luna: okay

Later after completing her work Luna displaced to her home she had started to do her home chores she was making dinner for her, but she can't concentrate on it she was thinking about the case after having her dinner she sat in the sofa and made a phone call

Luna: have you found something?

The person: yeah, but I am not sure about the thing I will inform you after complete inquiry

Luna: make it fast we don't have much time

The person: okay

Luna hung up the call and moved to her bedroom she lied on the bed and can't resist thinking about Icety's case.

 WHERE SHE DISAPPEARED(editing)Where stories live. Discover now