Three Harry's POV

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I will be switching between POV's so don't get too confused(;

Also a quick authors note since i havent done one before. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE AMOUNT OF READS I'VE GOTTEN! I never expected to get past 20 and now I have 170 reads!! i know that isn't alot but still!!! now that i know people actually enjoy my story i will definitly update every week and not every two months!! lol OKAY i dont want to make this too long sooooo here's Harry's POV since i know how much you readers like that(;





Walking back outside from Rory's room, i inhale the deep smell of pine trees, with a fresh aurora of water because of the small lake we were above. I ponder whether or not to wait and walk with her but something else catches my eyes in between me and Rory's cabin, next to the bathroom. As i walk straight forward in between the trees a small little path appeared, it seemed to have been created from walking on it so much that the tall grass stayed matted down. A couple more feet ahead there was a huge oak tree with a rope hanging from a sturdy branch, i look down at the land slide beneath it and see a small little pond with a small creak of water running down two rocks that were wedged together in front of me. It was a breath taking sight to see. The wind blew my curly hair, so i run my fingers through it to keep it tamed. I then heard an eerie sound. I scratched my ear, thinking it was a bee. Then I heard it again. "Don't make the same mistakes I did, leave before it comes." the sound faintly whispered into my eardrum. I felt an immense presence, chills running down my spine. I looked up at the blue sky and let out a breath. "It's nothing", I assured myself.

The sun was slowly descending its way down to let the moon have its turn to shine. It's nothing.

Being pulled out of my thoughts, i turn around and start to walk back down the path. Coming out from between the trees, i see Rory a few feet in front of me walking. I run up to her and place my palm on her shoulder, she jumped slightly turing to look at me.

"Hey Harry, what a surprise." She looked at me with her big green eyes, a sarcastic grin plastered across her face.

"Don't act so repellent against me, i know you are happy to see me Rory." I look down at her. I can see a small smile creep onto her face as we made eye contact but i swiftly looked away.

We soon arrived at the cafeteria as i bent down and whispered in her ear telling her to sit with me. She nodded, obviously not having any other acquaintances.

Rory's POV

Hearing my name roll off his tongue sounded smooth like velvet. There was something about the way he looked at me, or the way he kept to himself and told you so little but it was enough for him. The few times that we looked at each other for a second too long he would look away, and his mood changed. I felt his hot breath fan on my neck dragging me back to reality as he demanded that I'd sit with him, i obliged for i didn't want to sit alone.

I walk up to the line of people, grabbing a plate from the stack moving up and began to pile my plate with spaghetti. I grabbed a small cup and filled it with water heading to a table, Harry trailed behind me as we made our way to a small table in the corner. Picking up the the utensils that were wrapped in a napkin, We both started to eat. Neither of us daring to spark up a conversation. Harry cleared his throat as he looked up from his plate.

"After dinner I'd like to show you something." He couldn't help but let the grin creep onto his face.

"Okay." I giggled.

After that we just ate in silence. I was twirling my fork around the spaghetti, that wasn't as bad as I expected. Harry has cleared his plate and downed his drink, clearly eager to leave. I dab the corners of my mouth and look up to an anxious Harry.

"Ready?" He asks.

Nodding my head, I stand to my feet, slowly pushing in my chair. Walking through the cluster of tables I couldn't help but feel paranoid at every one around us. They seemed to be looking at us and those who weren't seemed to be whispering about us. Was it because we look odd together? Harry didn't seem to be bothered by any of this so I just let it sink to the back of my mind.

He put his hand on my lower back for reassurance as I tried not to think too much of it. As we pulled the door open to leave, a strange looking boy popped in front of us and pointed a scrawny and shaky finger towards us.

"Youuu", he exasperated in a groggily voice, "you guys are in them two cabins up by them mountains, be careful now because them last folks disappear an' nobody has heard from them since." And with that he turned around and disappeared into the cluster of cafeteria tables.

I don't get scared often and this was probably some camp voodoo shit, so I didn't even think twice about it.

Harry's POV

I don't get scared often but that weird skinny kid gave me the chills, I couldn't help but think back to that path in between those lovely pine tree's. Rory didn't seem phased by it so I just continued to walk towards the woods to show her- fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuck. I don't think I want Rory to hear some weird wind to blow bullshit into her ear like me so that is a hell no to showing her that waterfall. Our cabins came into view and all I needed was sleep, she speaks up before I have the chance to tell her I'm going to go.

"What did you want to show me?", she had to ask in the most innocent tone ever.

"I'll show you tomorrow, have a good night Rory." Easily dismissing those around me had become my second nature so I got rid of her with ease and walked into my room without a another word.

Rory's POV

Again. He did it again? One moment he can't wait to show me something that lit his face up and now he dismissed me. This boy he gives me whiplash. Groaning I unlock my door and stomp into my room. I quickly change into an oversized sweatshirt and some plaid pajama shorts. I slide into my moccasins and grab my toiletry bag. Swinging open the front door I walk forward into the small bathroom me and Harry share, unfortunately. Bracing myself to the dirty and smelly bathroom I anticipated, I see it's not so bad. It has a clean countertop with a sink and a mirror above the counter. Beside the sink is a toilet, and a shower hidden behind the white curtains. I throw my hair into a bun and began to brush my teeth, rinsing my mouth, I then began to wash my face. With my eyes blinded by the make up running down my face, I hear something in the bathroom. I shook it off and quickly began to rinse water on my face. Grabbing the towel off the rack I began to dry my face. Once I look up at my reflection I scream, not daring to look back I gather my small bag and rush out that damned bathroom.

Harry's POV

Watching the fan above my head go round and round was a good way to pass time. I hadn't even bothered to change except for slipping off my boots. My eyes were soon shut and my mind was slowly drifting to a deep sleep when I heard a scream. Shooting up from the bed my mind became clouded with Rory and what could have caused her to scream. My feet were moving faster than my mind as I tugged on my boots. All I could hear before running outside was a faint, familiar whisper say, "I warned you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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