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EDIT: 10/6/21 - SOOOO UHHHHHHHHHHH I'll have to edit and rewrite it a bit, is it okay if I unpublish the chapters??

also thank you for reading this fanfic! If you're making a fanfic inspired by this book, it's alright and okay but please change it a little, that's all- thank you!

I know author notes are annoying but I'm here to say that I'll unpublished the chapters, I'm sorry if you just started reading this fanfic. I'll be editing it and rewriting it a bit it because it's a lil messy.

as for the clothes, you can change them if you want, I'll try not to be descriptive on the clothing so you can imagine your own clothing style but if you don't want that, you can tell me if you want reference or anything. And btw, the clothes at the end of the chapters will be deleted since it's meant to be for the old character, Christina, before I switched it into an x reader.

If you were to ask me what the current would look like when I would read this fanfic, they would have this design (my messy sketch):

If you were to ask me what the current would look like when I would read this fanfic, they would have this design (my messy sketch):

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I wanted to make this in meiker

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I wanted to make this in but some of the designs were limited.

Also thank you for reading this fanfic, I really appreciate it 🥺✨

Okay that's all, have a nice day/afternoon/night wherever you are! Also don't forget to stay hydrated and stay safe! 💗💖✨

cover change because christina's the one on the cover lmao

old cover (just in case people remembered this book by cover and not the title)

old cover (just in case people remembered this book by cover and not the title)

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just a simple new cover uwu

just a simple new cover uwu

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